Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Beyond the Book: Cowboy Out of Time

Did I ever mention that I like time travel novels? Most of the ones I’ve read have been fun reads, and this one is no exception. Let me share a blurb with you, and then I’ll tell you what I thought of it.
Dumped in my lap at a few minutes before five o’clock on Friday — the deputy wants to drop off a confused wanderer? Our Social Services aren’t equipped to handle a tall, rustic cowboy who looks like he just stepped out of a movie Western… dust included.
But the deputy’s gone and the cowboy is suddenly my responsibility. Or is it the other way around? Hunt Weston announces he’s come here to protect me! From what or whom, he doesn’t know. But he’s come a long way… in both distance and time. Yeah, this Weston character claims when he went to sleep last night, it was 1885. That’s a hundred years ago.
No ID, no proof of his claims — unless you count the authentic vintage clothing and that original Colt Peacemaker strapped to his hip. Other than his gun and a rugged Bowie knife, this cowboy’s only possessions are 32 silver dollars… all minted before 1885. And the only documentation he possesses is a torn half of a playing card… with my name, this town and county, and the date October 6 — two days from now.
Weston can’t explain anything… indeed, he doesn’t understand it himself. In fact, if anyone had tried to convince him that he’d traveled 100 years overnight, he would’ve laughed in their face. But here he is… sent by a mysterious stranger to protect me, Elvira Rose Roamer.
Oh, did I mention that when Weston saw the name, Elvira Rose, on the top half of that card, he thought he was being sent to protect my great-great-grandmother, Elvira Rose Bolling — whom he’d met and grown fond of… back in 1885?
My Review:
I totally enjoyed Cowboy Out of Time. First, I loved Hunt. He was a cowboy on a quest who didn’t hesitate to do what he needed to do to fulfill his mission. I also loved the way he spoke.  And of course, his reactions to the modern world were amusing. I liked Rose too, but Hunt was my favorite.
I thought the plot was credible and well thought through. It pulled me in with no trouble. Also, the historical info seemed correct.
The romance between Hunt and Rose was well done. They didn’t lay eyes on each other and instantly fall in love. Their love grew organically as they learned more about each other.
The book didn’t end the way I thought it would, but it did set up book number two, which I’ll be waiting for. Well done, Jeff!

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