Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Beyond the Book: Book Review The Memory of Butterflies.


To keep devastating family secrets from being revealed, a young mother lies, but her secrets could end up destroying everything, and everyone, she loves. The Memory of Butterflies is a poignant story of family and forgiveness–of knowing when to let go and when to hold each other close.


I’ve been a Grace Greene fan for a long time. I’ve read most if not all of her Cub Creek novels so when I saw this one I though I’d give it a try. And don’t worry that you have to read all the Cub Creek books to know what’s going on. This is a standalone title.

As the blurb said, a young mother builds her live on lies with the power to destroy her and those she loves most. You can see this train wreck coming, and you can’t stop reading because you just know it’s going to happen soon. The book is full of emotion and deeply poignant.

My only problem with the story came at the end after the train wreck. I thought it didn’t take much time to resolve such serious issues, but it didn’t distract much from the story. You’ll like Hannah, and you’ll be rooting for her to be alright.

Have you ever read Grace Greene? Give her books a try. I think you’ll like her.



  1. I tend to like books where a character is hiding a secret and seeking redemption. This sounds like an interesting story.
