Monday, September 21, 2020

Blood Prophecy:Queen's Ascension

 Blood Prophecy: Queen's Ascension

by Barb Jones




GENRE:   Paranormal






When the darkness was compelling and the heart knew no bounds, was there really a right choice? With Michael's life hanging in the balance, Amber had a choice: save her star-fated love or keep on the crusade to unite the magical community. For Amber, her fate was sealed even before her birth and it was her destiny to fight the great battle ahead of her. But, when it came to her heart — her friends, her great love — Amber's torn. Not only was she the Queen, but she was a human in every sense of the word. She was vulnerable. And so the very people — Chloe and Michael — that gave her strength, quickly became her weakness. It wasn't her fault she loved too much, was it?

Nevertheless, the Tall Dark Man had set a plan in motion that could threaten the very existence of the Blood Prophecy. Would he gather his dark forces and succeed in destroying Amber once and for all? Or, would she assemble her powerful friends and save the world?






Malakai, Seattle, Present Day 


With the betterment of both Michael and Rae, Malakai was glad that they were well and fine; nevertheless, he needed some time to decompress. All the magical commotions that had occurred were too overwhelming for him. He needed some sort of release. 


He enjoyed the brisk jog in the park, as he cut through the sharp wind of the cold night. But this did nothing to lift his spirits. He was happy that Amber’s smile finally met her eyes. That was all he’d ever wanted for her: happiness, that’s it. There was nothing more he could ask for—she was his priority. Yet, in the back of his mind, as in his heart, he couldn’t help but believe the ancient legend that he’d heard so long ago was the certifiable truth, as it was written in Eschmun’s scroll. 


…her fate is tied to the true alpha of the wolves. A blood drinker will stand formidable, but it is the nature of the child to call upon the true alpha and bring him to the queen’s inner heart.


Could this be the truth? he often wondered as he traveled the world collecting artifacts and evidence supporting this notion. Yes, he’d crafted a reliquary, quite accidentally, and people assumed it was to keep the magic insulated, away from the humans. But that wasn’t the case, at least not for him.  He so wanted to believe, just from the sheer fact that it was said in the scroll. But Malakai was a man of logic, driven by cold hard data. Although wanting to romanticize that his destiny was tied with Amber’s, he needed confirmation. He wanted validation for the strong emotions he was feeling.

A Word With the Author:

1. Did you always want to be an author? Not at first.  I wanted to be a mom and an astronaut.

2. Tell us about the publication of your first book. The first publication was Queen’s Destiny in the series.  I was so excited about that publication with World Castle that I don’t think I really slept during the editing process.  I was excited to bring my dream to life and provide readers with an opportunity to learn history and be part of something.

3. Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in? I would have to say Anne Rice.  I just love the way she can capture an audience with words.

4. What's the best part of being an author? The worst? The best part is meeting fans.  I love to get to know them and have even become close friends with a lot of them.  The worst part is honestly, when you feel you are letting your readers down by not writing fast enough.  I mean, there are some (me included) that can read a book in a day and if you really liked it, you want more! And fast

5. What are you working on now? I am currently writing Book Four: Rise of the Hunter.  The series is continuing and moving from Seattle to Hawaii.  I am so excited to introduce my readers to my heritage and my birthplace.





AUTHOR Bio and Links:


I was born in Hawaii, a place rich with culture and storytellers. As a little girl, scary tales about vampires, werewolves, angels, demons, and witches were my favorite kind — much to my mother's dismay. 

The scarier, the better. 

My love for the supernatural never went away, even after moving to Seattle, far from Hawaii's majestic beaches with unusual colors. Nothing compares to the landscapes of Maui, Lanai, or Oahu. But somehow, Seattle stole my heart anyway. It became the place where my love for stories took on a new form, in a book of my own: The Adventures of Little Arthur and Merlin the Magnificent. This book is for kids who love stories, just like I did. 

Then I had an idea while sleeping.  

One night, my mind began to work overtime. In a dream, I saw a unique storyline involving all the races and an epic battle of good versus evil. It was a modern day plot with a three thousand year old prophecy, The Blood Prophecy. I finished the first book in 2014, The Queen's Destiny. Two years later, I released The Queen's Enemy. The last book in the series, The Queen's Ascension, released on August 17, 2020.

Today, I live in Florida with its beaches and sunshine. But I'm still a Seattle girl at heart. And so all my stories take place in the Northwest. 

I always keep to my roots when I write.







Amazon Buy Link:

Barnes and Noble Buy Link:






Barb Jones will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.




a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for having me here today!

  2. Good morning and thank you for the book description and giveaway. 

  3. Barb, What authors to you enjoy reading?

    1. I am a huge fan of Lee Child, Andrew Gross, Steve Berry, Chris Kuzneski. So many to choose from!

  4. You are all so welcome! I enjoy getting to know my readers!

  5. Enjoyed the excerpt, sounds like my kind of book! Thanks for sharing~
