Thursday, November 12, 2020

Life With Ollie


Life with Ollie: The story of an only child of a single narcissistic parent

by Donna Bourgeois




GENRE: Memoir






If you are of dating age or married, I wrote this book for you.


This is not a self-help or a how-to book. This is the story of the metamorphosis of a timid, fear filled child who finally blossomed into a warrior. I have many scars that no one can see, but they are healed now. Through these battles to become a warrior, I have helped the wounded souls that have come to me and seen them overcome their demons to stand tall and proud of who they are. It has brought me great joy.


Through the years, I have heard along the way that the ancient Chinese would fix their broken china cups or figurines with gold to make them whole again, and more valuable. I believe that humans can be repaired with love and a sense of self-worth. Each and every one of us are here for a purpose and we are given gifts to help fulfill our purpose.


I would love for you to come on this journey with me.






Mom was getting married.  This was to change my life in ways I could never imagine.


On the morning of her wedding, Grandpa called her to the front window.  It was unusual to see parked cars on the street.  There sat a brand-new 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air, canary yellow and black. Mom said, “I wonder who that belongs to,” and Grandpa said, “Me.  I can’t take my girl to her wedding in an old car.”  I was so proud of him, how kind and caring he was.  I don’t remember him ever raising his voice to me, I loved him so.


Grandma flew home from New York and I sat beside her at the church.  I sat and cried to the point of sobbing.  Grandma said, “What on earth is wrong with you? Don’t you want Mom to marry?  Are you jealous?”  I told her these were happy tears; I was so glad she was marrying this man.  We would then be a happy family at last.  Maybe Mom would not be as angry with me anymore. I suspect my grandmother told Mom that I was jealous of her getting married.  Later, she turned on me about being jealous. I told her they were happy tears. I wanted her to be happy, but I don’t think she ever believed or forgave me.


We were a little family group now: there was a pull-out couch in the living room where the newlyweds slept and I finally had a room, mostly my own.


I don’t remember exactly when the fighting started.  I had never heard anything like it in my life; it was so vicious it terrified me, and it went on for hours.  My mother sounded like a madwoman.  At first, my stepfather would try and calm her down, but that just made it worse.  They had, of course, been drinking.  What astounded me was when they finally got up in the morning, they would be all smiles and loving toward each other.  I would be a total mess and they would ask me, “What’s wrong with you this morning?  I would just stare at them in astonishment. 


I got up one morning and my stepfather had fingernail gouges all over his face—not scratches but gouges—and he had to go to work looking like that. I felt so sorry for him.


The fights got more frequent and lasted longer. Finally, my grandpa came out of his room in tears, begging my mother to stop.  She told him that if he didn’t like it, he could find another place to live.  The next day he was asked to leave.  I was heartbroken.  He had stood by my mother for all those years, paying his own way and helping with me.  Now he was an old man looking for a new home.  It was just evil of her to do that; I never forgave her.  Plus, now I would be on my own to face the fights.  My stepdad never raised a finger to my mom; it was she who was always the aggressor.





AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Donna G. Bourgeois enjoys writing and painting, both excellent activities to soothe the soul. She went to university at 65-years-old and earned an associate degree in theology, just to keep the grey matter healthy.  She considers her greatest quality to be the ability to love greatly and be kind to those who life have put on her path.  Life with Ollie is her first book, although she has many more story ideas waiting in the wings. She believes if you listen to your inner voice, you will find your bliss.


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Donna Bourgeois will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.



a Rafflecopter giveaway