Friday, November 6, 2020

The Infamous Frankie Lorde: Stealing Greenwich


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a a print copy of the book (US only) to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Launch of a new series for upper middle graders about a girl who has lived as an international thief, now returned to the real world.

Frankie Lorde and her dad have been a team for as long as Frankie can remember. Being a tutor under the man responsible for some of the world's biggest heists has given Frankie a unique perspective on the world. And a special set of life skills. Frankie can spot an FBI agent in a second. Pick a lock in two seconds. Steal a Bugatti in three. Then dad is arrested.

Frankie is sent to live with her uncle, her dad's brother who she barely knows, and is, ironically a cop. Now Frankie has to go to middle school, learn what suburban kids wear and eat. But also ironically, Frankie is in Greenwich, CT, one of the richest towns in America. Seeing the starkness of super rich and the super not rich who support the community gives Frankie an idea. How to use her skills for doing good, to even the score. . . .

Read an Excerpt

People say writing in journals can be therapeutic. Well, at least that’s what my therapist says. I just think it’s an easy way for other people to find out all your secrets.

And seriously, who wants that?

But alas, my therapist, Dr. Janine Deerchuck—yep, that’s really her name—thinks it would be “beneficial” to me if I kept one, so here we are.

She’s suggested that I use this journal to write down all my hopes, and dreams, and fears, and blah, blah, blah . . . I figure if I’m going to do this, I’ll use it as a record of every awesome thing I’ve ever done. And when I’m finished filling up every last lined page in this black-and-white notebook, I’ll send it to my dad to let him know what I’ve been up to since he went away.

And that’s what brings us to Dr. Deerchuck and this journal in the first place:

Dear old Dad.

Don’t get me wrong, my dad is awesome. He’s one of the smartest, coolest, greatest dads on the planet. He’s practically raised me all on his own, and has taken me to places that other kids don’t even know exist—like Tanzania and Cat Island. He lets me stay up late, his favorite food is pancakes, and he doesn’t even care if I occasionally sneak-watch Game of Thrones.

He should be in the Hall of Fame of dads, right? In reality? Not so much.

But he is famous. Just not for his mad dad skills.

About the Author:
Brittany Geragotelis is living the dream. After 10 years of rejection from the publishing industry, she began to post her original novel, Life's a Witch, on the online writing site, Wattpad, hoping that others would enjoy reading her book. A year after the first upload, the book had received 19 million reads, which caught the attention of Publisher's Weekly, The Huffington Post and The Wall Street Journal.

After building up some buzz in the industry, she hooked up with her agents who instantly received interest from publishers and movie/tv producers. Within weeks, Life's a Witch went into auction between four major publishing houses, and in the end Brittany landed a 3-book deal with publishing powerhouse, Simon and Schuster.


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