Friday, January 8, 2021

Rise and Fall of My Beloved

Rise and Fall of My Beloved

by Utanu Maa




GENRE: Poetry






Rise and Fall of My Beloved is a collection of poetry and prose about resilience—about the experience of stigma and rejection, disease and suffering, love and care, loss and grief—and also a testimony of gratitude, forgiveness and togetherness. Each of its three parts is a journey through life's struggles, pain and loss, all of which require an inner force to overcome, build, rebuild, succeed and heal: resilience. It expresses an undercurrent to an imposed destiny or stigma.


Based on the life experience of my late brother, Rise and Fall of My Beloved is a tribute to mankind's resilience to overcome adversities. The book takes readers from his vulnerable childhood as a neglected orphan set to die, through a childhood in which he was bullied, to his rise as an accomplished engineer, and sadly to his fall as a dying patient of HIV/AIDS. Each poem depicts the essence of unconditional love and care, the dignity of dying of AIDS, forgiveness, and family bond. This book is a manifesto of my brother's exceptional resilience, the best memory of him that will live forever. It is an invitation, an inspiration, a reflection that, when mankind encounters struggles, disease, pain, death, loss, grief, we have to grieve and heal, and rebuild.







Fond Memories


I fondly remember my beloved brother:


Together we dined and shared the same meal.


Together in the living room, we conversed or rested.


Together we shared the same snacks presented in a bowl


Where we both dug for fresh roasted peanuts, yams,


Boiled sweet cassava, and the most exquisite tropical fruits.


Zola enjoyed crunchy papaya.


I fondly remember my beloved brother.


I never missed these moments to tell him


How much I loved him with a tender kiss on his cheek,


Holding his hands, or stroking his back.


Delighted and shy, he smiled sweetly at me.


Shy, because Zola never said his love in words.


No man or woman ever mentioned love to a loved one.


Love, here in his country, is powerful in acts, not in words


Because it may seem fake if only vocalized without action.








AUTHOR Bio and Links:


I am Utanu MAA. I live in Toronto and work as a public servant within the Ontario Court of Justice. Originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa, where I studied French Literature and Law before migrating to Canada in 1991, and thereafter studied Fashion Marketing, Paralegal and Law (1year) programs. In 2004, I was a recipient of a prize for the Poetry contest organized by Canada Heritage during the celebration of the Francophonie. "Couleur d'une langue" (The Color of a language), my unpublished poem about the diversity and different accents that give rhythm and power to a language to become an umbrella of one identity. "Rise and Fall of My Beloved" is also my own journey into unconditional love and care, and the resilience to deal with pain, loss, grief, to grieve, heal and continue with life after my brother's death.


Connect with Utanu Maa:




Purchase Links:          


























The author will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


 a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Elaine and thank you for having me on your book tour blog. I extend my gratitude to Goddess Fish Promotions for organizing this tour. I also thank every follower/reader for stopping by and kindly leave a comment or question. I hope that you are all well today. I will stay connected throughout the day and will be very pleased to reply to your comments and questions as always. Do not forget to check the giveaway and enter the contest for a win. I look forward to replying to your comments or any question that you may have. Please feel free to do so. I wish you all a wonderful day.

  2. I have enjoyed the tour. The book sounds great.

    1. Thank you for staying on the tour up to end. Very much appreciated. Please follow me on my facebook page @AuthorUtanuMaa or on my website at or you may also live a omment about the book on Goodreads. Check me out when you can. Thank you for the bottom of my heart.

  3. Happy Friday!! I've really enjoyed following the tour and can't wait to check this one out. Thanks for sharing all of the great posts along the way!

    1. I will miss reading you Victoria. I have been eager to access the tour and read your valuable comment. Very mich appreciated. Let us keep in touch on my facebook page @AuthorUtanuMaa or on my website at, or you may leave a comment about my book on Goodreads.Thank you greatly. May 2021 be sweet and nice to all of us.

  4. would like to ask the author what inspired her to be an author,i so enjoyed the tour as well!!ty

  5. Hi Jeanette. I love that you have been following my book tour. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. To reply to your question, I wrote this book to heal myself from the loss and griefs after losing my only brother and sibling to HIV/AIDS. As Covid confined and forced us into solitude, I could only write and express my griefs on papers. Then, I decided to publish it. But I have always been writing a lot without publishing and have participated in some poetry competition. My love for poetry comes from my studies in French Literature; French being my first language. My writing is a testimony of resilience, unconditional love, gratitude, forgiveness and togetherness. Also, it is an awareness of HIV infection, the pain and suffering of people living with and dying of HIV/AID, and for the dignity they deserve as human being because dignity is a human right. So, these are the reason why I wanted to write and publish this time. I hope this answers to your question. Thank you again. Please let's stay in touch through my facebook page @AuthorUtanuMaa or on my website at or you may leave a comment about my book on Goodreads. Good night Jeanette.
