Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Beyond the Book

 I thought this week I’d share an excerpt from one of favorite books, Rest Thy Head. First a blurb, and then an excerpt.


Running away from a fiancĂ© who betrayed her, Peyton O’Malley finds employment at a beautiful mountain inn called Rest Thy Head. She didn’t expect to live in the haunted room or to fall for the inn’s owner, a fire-scarred, war veteran who uses the inn to hide away from the world. She didn’t expect her sister to show up at Rest Thy Head either, much less her formidable mother.
Now, thanks to the aid of a friendly ghost, Peyton has a shot at true love, and so does her sister Ashley, provided the guys cooperate of course! 

Excerpt: Patrick is Jake’s brother. They run Rest Thy Head together.

Jake took his breakfast and went into the office to eat. Peyton O’Malley was exactly the kind of woman he didn’t need at Rest Thy Head. She made him think about things that could never happen again. Running a hand across his face, he reflected that he’d give a year of his life to look the way he did before he got burned. Before he went to Afghanistan, both he and Patrick had had their share of female admirers, and Patrick still did, but no woman wanted a man with a face like his.

Since no one was around to see and feel sorry for him, he removed a photograph from the bottom desk drawer. Patrick had taken the picture of him in his uniform right before he left for Iraq. He remembered how cocky he had felt. Oh, sure he’d known he might run into danger, but he had been sure he could handle anything the insurgents could throw at him.

He hadn’t planned on them throwing gasoline on him and lighting him up, though. If his buddy Martin Fletcher hadn’t tackled him and helped him put out the fire he might have died that day.

Rest Thy Head is only .99 at http://amzn.to/1PDbyPX

I know you enjoyed the excerpt. I had a lot of fun writing the book.


  1. Overt facial injuries are difficult to deal with psychologically. I have stubborn rosacea rather than burns but it certainly makes me feel very self-conscious when people comment on it. I'm honestly not sure why people see fit to remark on such things. It's something that I never would do.
    Your book is included in this week's Roost Recommendations, featuring a link to this post, a buy link, and a blurb. I share the Roost Recommendations posts on Twitter with readers looking for their next read.

  2. Thank you so very much! I sure do appreciate it. I don't know why people feel they have the right to comment on anyone's appearance. It's really rude.
