Saturday, June 5, 2021

Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors

 For a couple of weeks I'll be sharing excerpts from Rest Thy Head. First a blurb, and then an excerpt.


Running away from a fiancĂ© who betrayed her, Peyton O’Malley finds employment at a beautiful mountain inn called Rest Thy Head. She didn’t expect to live in the haunted room or to fall for the inn’s owner, a fire-scarred, war veteran who uses the inn to hide away from the world. She didn’t expect her sister to show up at Rest Thy Head either, much less her formidable mother.

Now, thanks to the aid of a friendly ghost, Peyton has a shot at true love, and so does her sister Ashley, provided the guys cooperate of course! 

Excerpt: Jake ponders his attraction to Peyton.

Jake finished brushing his horse and affectionately stroked the chestnut’s neck. “You’re a good girl, Cinnamon” he muttered. He turned her out into the pasture to graze and stood beside the fence, watching her as she rolled on the ground. So much for his grooming job.

In spite of himself, he remembered how Peyton’s hand had felt when she grabbed his. He had forgotten how soft a woman’s hand could be. If only she hadn’t touched his scarred side. His rough, ugly hand surely hadn’t felt normal to her.

The corners of his mouth turned down. What did it matter? He could hide the scars on his leg and arm, but nothing could help his face. His scars had shocked Peyton the first time they met. He needed to get his mind on business and stop thinking about women. No woman would want a freak like him in her life.

He could barely stand to look in the mirror at himself, so he couldn’t reasonably expect a beautiful woman like Peyton to look at him without revulsion. Sweat trickled between his shoulder blades. He had other scars on his arm and leg she hadn’t even seen.

A muscle jumped in his cheek. Forget Peyton. Nothing could come of it. He might as well groom Patrick’s horse too.


  1. Oh, he's really down on himself. I hope he learns to see past his scars.

  2. When he realizes that she does love him, it will be so satisfying!

  3. Poor guy! She's going to have to work hard to convince him that she can accept and see past the scars both physical and mental!

  4. He needs her love. He's really down. I feel for him.

  5. Awww, you really make me feel for him! Quite the emotional snippet....

  6. Very sad, and yet, he's so gentle with the horses.

  7. Perhaps he underestimates Peyton's ability to see what really matters.

  8. I think he's had such bad experiences with being rejected in the past that he can't see the possibility of someone being different. I bet Peyton is that someone. Can't wait to read on!

    I missed the deadline to sign up this week. If you'd like to visit my blog, here's the link:

  9. Exactly what Ed said! Good snippet!

  10. I get where the hero is coming from. I think I mentioned before that although I don't have scars on my face, I have rosacea, which causes the skin on my face to be red and sometimes break out. It makes me feel rather self-conscious. I'd rather have my foot run over by a freight train than ever be romantically involved again, but I still wish that I didn't have this skin issue. Even on my best days, though, I tend to feel like I'm the most hideously ugly thing that ever walked the Earth.

    Your book is included in this week's Roost Recommendations, featuring a link to this post, a buy link, and a blurb. I share the Roost Recommendations posts on Twitter with readers looking for their next read.
