Tuesday, October 5, 2021

After Midnight

Title: After Midnight
Series: The Midnight Duet Book Two
Author: Victoria J. Best
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 5, 2021
Cover Design: Dark City Designs

Taken; by a mad man.

Stolen; as I ran from love.

Betrayed; by the love of my life.

For days I didn’t know where I was or who took me, trapped in the dark with no way out. Finally, when I started to give up hope, I was able to escape. Into the arms of a man I swore I’d never speak to, again.

But now we had bigger problems; being pursued by the nameless, faceless man who took me.

Would we figure out who he was and why he wanted me before he caught up to us or would I lose everything I didn’t know I wanted, again?

Victoria J. Best writes contemporary romance with a sexy twist. She lives on the east coast with her husband, two kids, and a very pampered Yorkie.

When she’s not writing, she’s reading, baking or crafting—probably in that order.



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