Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Ashes of Aldyr

                                                                  Ashes of Aldyr

by Russell Archey




GENRE: Dark Fantasy






The world of Alda is broken, destroyed by an event the survivors call "The Rupture." The aldyrs, magical trees connected to the soul of the world and once grew in breathtaking groves, are dead. Elf-kind, who shared a close bond with these trees, are dying off due to shortened life-spans as a result. The dwarves have retreated into their mountain homes. Humans gather in crumbling settlements. Sinister, god-like beings, each uniquely horrific, exert their influences over the world. Each story is a different thread forming a larger tapestry that shows the scope of the horror and insanity brought by the elusive and mind-numbing entity known as the Obscured Throne. The world was once saved from this threat and Alda was hidden and sealed away. Now, an ancient and shadowy cult called the Black Gnarl have broken enough seals to expose Alda to the Obscured Throne...and It's coming.






He looked over his shoulder, and his mouth fell agape in a silent scream. A face, a dark-as-midnight face with soulless, shark-black eyes and no mouth stared back at him. The smooth skin had a wet gleam; the limbs were too long for the shoulders they were attached to. The fingers ended in sharp, vicious claws and Edwin began to feel their sting as they flexed against his skin. The creature gripped effortlessly onto his ankle. Another one of them appeared from the roiling edge of the tear in reality and grabbed him with its hooked, elongated fingers. Edwin howled in pain and terror as they dragged him up into the inky blackness with the strange, out-of-sight glow.


 A Word With the Author:

1.Did you always want to be an author?


            Since I was little! It’s a dream come to true to start getting my stories out there.

2.Tell us about the publication of your first book.


            It was scary putting myself out there, thinking it was never going to happen. I tried self-publishing and I just wasn’t having any success with that as I didn’t know what I was doing. I started networking after becoming a voice-over talent and narrating audio books. I love narratives so much I was going to do something in that field, one way or the other. However, I took the risk, submitted one of my books to them, they liked it, and the rest is soon-to-be-history!

3.Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in?


I have several I like to read, but I always fall back on Laird Barron. His stories truly terrify me and deserve much more attention from the world at large.

4.What's the best part of being an author? The worst?


Creating worlds and characters that come alive on their own. There’s something about having a blank piece of paper or word document that later is full of ideas and a whole new world. The worst? Writer’s block. 

5.What are you working on now?


I’m actively trying to complete the next book in The Obscured Throne Trilogy, Ghosts of Alda!  



AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Fantasy and horror have always been Russell’s preferred genres. Some of his favorite stories often combine them–and the grittier the better. His eclectic tastes in this genre originated when he discovered Lovecraft’s stories of beings so vast and incomprehensible that just thinking about them will melt your brain. Later, he would discover the more sinister but equally unfathomable creations of Laird Barron and, combined, these two influences would create Russell’s desire to fashion his own story of cosmic horrors, but with a fantasy flair. Fantasy often holds many horrific aspects of its own, but Russell enjoys finding ways to take those facets and run with them.


Social Links: 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RSArchey

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/russellarcheyauthor/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/russarchey/

Website: http://www.5princebooks.com/russellarchey.html






Russell Archey will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.




a Rafflecopter giveaway