Saturday, November 13, 2021

Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors

 Welcome to Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors. Today I'm sharing  excerpts from Return Engagement, my first book about the Lovinggood family. I've already shared some of the first part so I'll be doing a little jumping around. First a blurb, then that excerpt. Oh, and on Sunday when you finish here go to for more excerpts from a talented group of authors.


Elizabeth Lane is one lucky woman. She has it all-money, fame, a satisfying career and a devoted fiancé. Her humble beginnings are all but obscured, but she isn't the kind of woman Senator Henry Lovinggood wants for his son, Richard. Senator Lovinggood plans to make Richard the President of the United States; he'll need a woman from a wealthy, powerful family by his side. Ten years ago the senator broke Richard and Elizabeth up, but this time it won't be so easy, for Elizabeth wants to know what might have been. This time she'll fight back, a struggle which ultimately leads to kidnapping and attempted murder and alienates her from the man of her dreams.

Last Weeks Excerpt:

“So do I,” Mrs. Lane admitted. She absently stroked one of Elizabeth’s white cats. “What’s more, you were ready to sacrifice your own life to save Senator Lovinggood just because he’s Richard’s father. I guess maybe I was wrong about Richard. I’m still afraid of the Lovinggood’s and their power, but I think he loves you to distraction.” 
Three o’clock brought Elizabeth a small, elegant, beautifully illustrated book of love poetry. No card accompanied this gift, but the inside of the book had been inscribed:
 To Elizabeth From Richard. Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety. Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies. 
Elizabeth had known of his passionate, sensual nature, but she hadn’t realized he had a romantic side too. It was a nice discovery. 
 Cathy arrived at four along with a delivery from a local jewelry store. “Hi,” she greeted Elizabeth who met her at the door. “Did you buy yourself something new?” 
 Elizabeth signed for the package and stood aside for Cathy to enter. “No, I didn’t buy anything. This is from Richard.” 
“From Richard! How do you know?” 
“Hurry and open it. I’m dying to see what it is this time.” Mrs. Lane interrupted. 

This week's excerpt:

Impatiently, Elizabeth tore open her package. “Why do they put so much tape on these things?” she demanded as she shredded the embossed wrapping paper. She finally got the box open and pulled off the lid. A delicate, golden key on a thin chain sparkled as it caught the light. The card inside the box read, I hope this golden key will remind you that you’ve always held the key to my heart. Love, Richard.

“Will somebody please tell me what’s going on?” begged Cathy.

“Richard’s patience finally wore out,” Elizabeth answered, smiling from ear to ear. She explained to Cathy about the gifts he had sent her.

“That is so romantic! Even Hank never did anything so wonderful! Aren’t you going to call him?”

“I can’t decide.” Well, she hadn’t lied, but slowly, inexorably, as the day wore on she’d found herself wanting to see Richard more and more, but at the same time the idea of resuming their marriage still caused her palms to sweat and her heart to race.

“I’m not leaving before five,” Cathy declared. “I want to see if he sends anything else.”

Available at


  1. I wonder what it will take to finally get her to call him.

  2. This is SO fun. But I'm wondering if Richard is a romantic . . . or a serial abuser. Could go either way at this point.

  3. I think we probably all want to see if he sends her anything else! Great snippet.

  4. Her hesitation is understandable, but he's getting to her!

  5. Keys can be very intriguing. Great snippet.

  6. I'm waiting to see if he sends anything else, or if he just finally shows up. I don't know about Elizabeth, but my patience is wearing thin! Great snippet! Tweeted.

  7. Your book has been included in the Fall/Winter Roost Recommendations and on the new Contemporary Romance page at Readers Roost.
