Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Swipe Right for Murder


Swipe Right for Murder

by Polly Harris




GENRE:   New Adult Thriller








After a devastating heartbreak and a string of short-lived, failed relationships, college student Georgie Itoyama has now decided to approach dating in the same way that she approaches everything else: methodically, logically, and efficiently.

Georgie downloads countless dating apps, determined to find the love of her life as easily as she orders jeans online. And while her love-at-first-sight aspirations don’t exactly come true, she does find someone she likes. Quite a lot.

There’s only one problem. Girls are going missing at Georgie’s university, and all the signs are pointing to . . . him?

But that’s ridiculous. What are the chances that she’s dating an actual serial killer?

Then she matches with Nate. Mysterious, intelligent, and oddly fixated on solving the local disappearances. As Georgie’s relationships deepen with each of her guys, she unwittingly finds herself caught up in the mess that is murder, intrigue, and the nightmare of online dating.







We turn the corner and I think it’s Amelia who notices her first. What I notice is the smell. Iron. Thick and palpable. And then decay. I never knew bodies could smell so quickly. I always assumed it would take days. Apparently, it’s only a few hours.


Amelia screams and it reverberates through the stairwell like a siren.


I don’t say anything, I don’t move. I’m frozen on the steps like someone is physically holding me there, unable to take my eyes off the girl at the bottom of the stairwell. Bent in a shape that no one’s supposed to bend in, her eyes open. But that makes it worse. Because if they were closed, maybe she could be sleeping—unconscious.


Three mind-numbing seconds pass, and then a thought flits through my head. 


Whitney. Her name was Whitney.

A Word With the Author

1.Did you always want to be an author?


Always! I wrote my first story at six years old (dictating to my mom), and haven’t stopped since.

2.Tell us about the publication of your first book.


I published my first book at fourteen! It’s crazy to think about now, but I was so proud of it and excited at the time. ðŸ˜Š Swipe Right for Murder is the first book I’ve published in quite awhile, and it’s also my first contemporary thriller.

3.Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in?


Gretchen McNeil is one of my favorite thriller writers! Her books are incredible and always keep me on the edge of my seat. 

4.What's the best part of being an author? The worst?


Ooooh, the best part is just coming up with whole new worlds and characters! Plotting is so fun! The worst is probably ironing out difficult plot holes and trudging through writers’ block.

5.What are you working on now?


I’m currently working on a second book in the same vein as SRFM. It deals with catfishing, and I’m so excited about it! 





                                                             AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Polly Harris is the author of six YA novels and runs her own editorial company where she works on books just like this one. When Polly isn’t writing or editing, she can be found cuddling her cat (professionally known as her editorial assistant), crafting, or swiping through dating apps.


Twitter: @PaulineCHarris

Facebook: Facebook.com/PaulineHarrisEditorial

Email: harrispaulinec@gmail.com



The book will be $0.99 during the tour.







Polly Harris will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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