Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Beyond the Book: The Wounded Warrior's Wife



The man she married, and the man war turned him into.

COLLIER CROMWELL loves his wife, and his country, though military life exacted a demanding toll.

An unexpected deployment during the height of war sends their lives tumbling down a path marked with struggle, and fatalities. Burdened with unseen emotional wounds and crippled faith, Collier’s homecoming only increases their trials.

Soon, they’re staring at the shattered pieces of their lives and asking one question…

Is this love worth the fight?

My Review:

I decided to read this book because I had just finished doing some research on military families for a book I was writing. I’m sure glad I did read it. I had some idea about military families because my husband’s father was career navy, but this book fleshed out my knowledge and helped me to understand what could happen to military families. The author of the book is a military wife whose husband is in the army so she has faced a lot of challenges, and of course this gives the book an authentic ring. It gives you a sense of admiration not just for our soldiers, but also for their families who are left behind. 

I was totally drawn into the story. I read the book in a really short time because I wanted to know what happened next. In fact, I’ve read it more than once. Whitleigh was my favorite character. I think she had a burden that was just as hard if not harder than Collier’s war experience. I’m not playing that war experience down, though. It was brutal and heartbreaking. 

I don’t want to say anything about the ending of the book. I hate it when reviews do that. So, I’ll finish up by saying that it was a heartwarming, life affirming piece of fiction that I thoroughly enjoyed. 

What about you? Have you read anything good lately?

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