Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Out of Due Season


Out of Due Season: The First Transit

by Benjamin X. Wretlind




GENRE: Sci-fi, Thriller (Techno)






What if humanity had a second chance?


On a June afternoon, a body is discovered floating in a remote lake in northwestern Washington. When a recovery team attempts to retrieve it, they make a shocking discovery: 311 other bodies lie under the water, all members of a previously unknown religious cult. However, what appears to be a tragedy of immense proportions is only the beginning.


When a few relatives and friends of the victims discover inconsistencies in the stories, a small group bands together to learn the truth. As government agencies apply pressure for reasons unknown and civil unrest in the country makes communication and movement difficult, this tiny yet determined team unravels what may be the greatest event in recent—if not all—human history.


Something epic is about to happen in that remote lake, and as competing sides inch ever closer to the truth, the last pieces of the puzzle are revealed.


The First Transit is for those who follow the rules, while disaster awaits everyone else.






The man working the pike pole pulled the floater to the side of the Zodiac. From their distance on the shore, it was difficult to tell if the body was male, but its appearance gave the impression of a heavyset man despite the bloating of the body. A sudden flutter of activity and a few shouts of expletives caused Clarke to raise his radio to his mouth. “Recovery One, report.”


The radio hissed. “Body’s falling apart. Bet they’ve been down a long time. Pulled a chunk of flesh off an arm.”


Clarke clicked a button. “Use a tarp and litter.”


“We’re getting it ready right now.”


A drop of cold rain hit Allen’s arm. “Thoughts?”


Clarke gazed out over the water. His right eye twitched, a sign to Allen that his partner was deep in thought going through as many scenarios as possible. He ran a calloused hand over a balding pate. “Not an organized crime thing. Too many bodies dumped at what seems to be the same time. Suicide pact, maybe, but it seems like a stupid way to go all at once. That many people, too. There would probably be reports of missing people over the past few weeks pouring in. None of the towns nearby reported anything out of the ordinary.”


Allen grunted. “What is ordinary out here?”


“Pot heads and wilderness junkies. A few loggers. Never was comfortable on this side of Olympia.”





AUTHOR Bio and Links:



Benjamin ran with scissors when he was five. He now writes, paints, uses sharp woodworking tools and plays with glue. Sometimes he does these things at the same time. He is the author of Castles, Sketches from the Spanish Mustang and many other novels.


Benjamin lives with his wife Jesse in Colorado.




The Book is on sale for $0.99 Until February 14, 2022











Amazon Author Page:






Benjamin X. Wretlind will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for hosting! I'm excited to share this work! :)

  2. Good afternoon, as an author of sci-fi would you be willing to share some of your favorite sci-fi stories and authors?

    1. Absolutely! I have always been a fan of Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov. I loved The Martian Chronicles growing up and have read the Foundation series a few times. Modern favorites include Chuck Wendig and a great series by David S. Goyer.

  3. When writing do you ever base your characters on people you know or have met?

    1. Quite often, although they are usually a mix of people to conceal identities. Nothing beats the traits and quirks or real people.

  4. I enjoyed the excerpt, Benjamin, and The First Transit sounds like a great book for my dad to read! Thanks for sharing it with me and have an awesome day!

  5. I enjoyed reading the excerpt, thanks for sharing
