Saturday, February 12, 2022

Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors

 Today I'm continuing with my current WIP. There's nothing much to tell you about the book yet because you've already heard most of what I have written so far. On Sunday when you finish here, you can go to www.wewriwa.blogspot to find more excerpts from a talented group of authors.

Last Week:

“I..ah…I need…”  She frowned. “I can’t remember.”

Icy fear settled in the pit of his stomach. He’d seen shock victims before, and that was exactly the way she was acting. “You said you wanted a nap.”


“Let me tuck you in.”

When she made no reply, he took her arm and led her to the bed. He turned back the covers, and she obediently sat down on the side of the bed while he slipped her sandals off. “You have a nice nap. I’ll see you at dinner.”

Her eyes closed as she tugged the covers around her shoulders. He saw her shiver. Maybe this nap was a good thing. She’d be more herself after she slept for a while. They could talk again tonight after she’d had some dinner and maybe a good stiff drink.

She didn’t get out of bed or really wake up for almost twenty four hours. 

This week's excerpt. I've skipped a little bit so now you'll read a little bit from Alex's POV.

She pushed herself to get up and shambled back into the bedroom where she collapsed on the sofa in the window.  What would happen now that she knew the truth? Everything she’d based her life on, everything she’d believed in, trusted in was gone, blown away by a few quiet words.Everyone always said she and Rhett had a fairy tale marriage, and she too had believed it. Unfortunately for her, it wasn’t true. Her marriage was just like everyone else’s. A grimace twisted her lips.  Rhett was no more true and faithful than any other husband. To think she had even felt sorry for some of her friends whose husbands had cheated!

Yes, the fairy tale had been revealed to be an illusion, so what kind of marriage did she truly have? Good? Bad? Lukewarm? Every instinct screamed it was bad, but that probably wasn’t true. Compared to other marriages it was pretty good, but was pretty good enough after living in a fairy tale? 


  1. Learning the truth doesn't make things as appealing as they once were. I hope she finds courage to do what's best for her.

  2. I like that she's being starkly realistic with herself here, weighing what she now knows with how it's going to alter the future . . . or not. Good job!

  3. I suspect that 'fairytale' marriages rarely last. She's right to be realistic.

  4. Great snippet! i wish her the strength to deal with all of this and do what is best for her.

  5. I'm glad she's trying to be realistic and maybe even leaving the door open to see what she can find acceptable to live with. Interesting, emotional snippet.

  6. I find it interesting that she's being so in control about this. Not ranting or raving or crying (she may have done all this off stage and we just didn't get that snippet), so I wonder if she's still in shock. Can't wait to see where she goes from here. Tweeted.

  7. Few emotions are worse than the way the bottom drops out when one discovers that one's partner has been unfaithful. Yes, I speak from personal experience, I'm afraid.
    This is nothing to do with the story, it's about the link. When I click the link in the linky list, it tries to take me to www dot elainepcantrell dot blogspot dot com, which isn't a valid link. I know enough to erase the www at the front, which brings me to your blog. I think most people know to do that, but I just thought I'd mention it.

  8. As Jenna said. It is interesting that she is so in control over this. I too wonder if it is shock. I would expect crying or some sort of word-filled exchange. But this may come later as reality sets in. Guess we shall see. Great internal thought here.

  9. I'm glad we're finally in her pov. Shock is a good way to put what she's feeling. Numb, too. The nap must have helped her think rationally. Her life has been upended. I hope she figures out what she needs to do soon. Big decisions.
