Wednesday, March 16, 2022



by Lauren Wagner




GENRE:   Speculative Fiction






Natalia has embraced the choice of her people. She is honored to have been chosen as their human sacrifice and will surrender her life to the Gods. She awaits the call of her people for that final moment, living a life of solitude until it’s time. But then her death is stolen from her—she is kidnapped by her own guards and forced into an eternal slumber.

Hundreds of years later—now—Natalia is woken in a world that’s completely unfamiliar. The archaeological team was not looking for her. They were looking for Estancia, the lost city of gold, and Natalia agrees to guide them.

While they journey through the treacherous jungles of Argentina, Natalia stumbles upon the alarming truth of her past. Her life’s prophecy must be fulfilled to restore balance to her people, but only she can decide whether that balance is worth her death.




 They groomed me as a child. They taught me how to look, how to listen, and even how to die. They prepared me to live entirely for others. Die for others. I am destined to be the queen of Estancia, to live in a noble house filled with my own personal court and guards sworn to protect me at all costs, right until the moment of my death. Even as they tear me from my bed in the dark of night, I must remember this is their purpose, just as much as it is mine. 


“May I say goodbye to my father?” The confidence in my voice covers the fear trembling in my gut. 


“No, milady. There is no time.” 


The guard throws a musty cloak over my soft linen nightclothes. The stale smell overpowers the eucalyptus of the lotions on my skin, making my eyes water in disgust. I feel no better than a horse being led by the reigns. 


I grip my golden slippers and run out of the house. My bare feet touch the wood of the floor and memorize the soft pitter-patter that vibrates in response. The same guard places me on top of the nearest horse. Black as midnight, silky as the hidden clothes under my cloak. My hands fumble for the reins as I lean forward and fight for my balance. I am not accustomed to riding horses. 


A Word With the Author: 

Did you always want to be an author?


I did not always want to be an author. I wanted to be a teacher, a mom, an artist, and even a psychiatrist at one point, but never an author. Although I wrote and enjoyed it immensely, publishing was not something I actively thought about until my husband asked me why I hadn’t. Then it was as if a light bulb went off, and I realized, yes, I wanted my book in my public library. 


Tell us about the publication of your first book.


Awaken was published by Cinnabar Moth Publishing on March 1, 2022. After years of querying, I hit the realization that to get my book published, I would need an online presence. I started a Twitter account and immediately ran into Cinnabar Moth Publishing. I submitted, signed, and have been enjoying the process ever since. Cinnabar is fantastic in every way. 


Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in?


Jennifer Neilson is one of my all-time favorite authors. The False Prince, The Scourge, and Words on Fire are just a few. Although many of her books are Historical Fiction, I have yet to dip my toes into that genre. The Mark of a Thief, and The Rise of the Wolf, are a little more fantasy driven. She inspires me every time I pick up one of her books. 


What's the best part of being an author? The worst?


The best part about being an author is making up stories and fabricating experiences to help me deal with the everyday struggles of the real world. The possibilities are endless. I could murder characters off, help them fall in love, or even make their blood a source of magic meant to save human existence. The worse part of being an author is escaping my head and returning to the real world when a scene isn’t finished. I have to fully separate myself and remind myself that the rest of the world doesn’t live in my head with me. 


What are you working on now?


I am currently working on a young adult science fiction piece. The premise starts with four college students participating in an exchange program on another planet. After a student is unexpectedly murdered, the planetary system scrambles to get the teens off the planet before even more destruction occurs. But secrets are discovered along the way, as well as true intentions. There is much more to hide than murder.




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Lauren Wagner’s love for reading started as a young adult after discovering her town’s public library.  After carrying out piles of books at a time, and re-reading them over and over again, she discovered her love for writing. She writes fantasy and science fiction as well as post-it notes about her future stories. Awaken is her debut novel.

She grew up in the western suburbs of Chicago where she presently resides with her husband and two children. She currently teaches upper elementary students to love and obsess over written works of art.


Amazon buy link:

Lauren Wagner's author page:

Twitter: @LoloWags






Lauren Wagner will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway