Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Beyond the Book: What to Do?

“If a weather-related reason caused you to have unexpected guests stranded at your house, how would you keep them entertained? What would you do if the electricity was also down?” 

If you were stranded at my house during an emergency we need to keep our fingers crossed that it’s in the winter time. The South where I live is hot, steamy, and full of mosquitoes during the summer. We’d need the air conditioning pretty bad. I once had house guests, and the air conditioner went out. It was totally miserable, but luckily there was no weather emergency so we went to a nearby state park and went swimming. It was a great day.

One spring my aunt and uncle were stranded at our house because of tornadoes in the area. It was dark, and one tornado was so close that we could hear it roaring. We didn’t try to entertain ourselves. We just concentrated on listening to see if we could tell if it was coming closer. We didn’t have a basement so if it came our way we’d be in a world of hurt.

But let’s assume that we aren’t scared of tornadoes. What would we do? If you like watching TV we’ve got you covered. We had lots of different programs to choose from and plenty of movies. But if we wanted to be a little more involved we might play a board game. My sister always loved Scrabble so we have a nice game. Don’t like Scrabble? Maybe you’d like cards better. We have several fun games that we often play with friends. If you like video games you’re out of luck. We don’t have any. 

If games aren’t your thing maybe we could go to the kitchen and see what we can find to cook. I like baking and have some nice recipes. We could make cake! Or steaks, or spaghetti, or fried chicken. Whatever you like.

If you like to read, I’ve got you covered. Hmm. Maybe you’d like to read one of my books!

If the weather permitted we’d go walking. We have a nice historic site a short way from our house. We could look at pioneer homes and crafts, Indian rock paintings, and stroll around the walking trail which has a very nice creek running through it. 

If we were trapped because of snow we’d go out and build a snowman, have a snowball battle, or watch the dogs play. We might even find something for the kids to slide down the hill on. Making snow ice cream might be fun. It’s been a long time since we did that. 

If anyone ever does get stranded at my house I’ll update you on what we did. What about you? What would you do?

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