Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Beyond The Book: What's Your Color?

I wondered if maybe the color that represents me most would show up in many places in my home, especially my closet. Of course the color that I like might not be the most representative of me, but it was a place to start so that’s where I began.

If you look at my house you’ll find plenty of color everywhere. I’m not fond of the gray and white rooms that have been in style for so long. If you entered my living room you’d see yellow walls, a white sofa, glass tables, and lots of gold and rich mahagony decor items. The chairs have a red, blue, and gray abstract pattern on them. 

Moving from the living room to the dining room we have soft, creamy white on the walls with pale, pale green accents.

My family room is painted yellow also, and the furniture there is green, red, and gold. 

Upstairs we have one yellow bedroom, one with a blue accent wall, and the master bedroom is a combination of cream walls with yellow and blue accents. 

Okay, there’s a good bit of variety in color in my house, but what about my closet. I don’t think I could pick out one dominate color that I wear more than others, but I do have a fondness for yellow. 

So, what does the color yellow signify? I found a lot of info on that, but basically it seems as if yellow represents happiness and a love of learning. Yellow people are creative, like to share their knowledge with others, and might have a deep need for logical order in their everyday lives. That sharing knowledge thing; I was a teacher for 35 years. 

But I feel that yellow only expresses a part of my personality. I have a lot of blue in the closet and bedrooms. This is what I found out about blue: Blue calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity. It is often described as peaceful, tranquil, secure, and orderly. Blue is often seen as a sign of stability and reliability.

Truthfully, I don’t think I can pick just one color to describe me. There are many colors that are partly me. In some cases they seem contradictory, but as far as I’m able to say, I’d pick yellow and blue. 

I have to do some research about red too. I love red, but it can be overwhelming if overused. What about you? Pick your color.

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