Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Beyond the Book: Like Shoes?

“Have your footwear choices changed as your life, or lifestyle, has changed?”

The short answer to this question is yes. And no.

When I was a child, children in my area went barefooted in the summer time. The climate is warm so we reveled in feeling the grass underfoot, but we had to wait until after May 1 to get rid of those shoes. I guess I was maybe in early elementary school when flip flops became popular. At first I didn’t like the thong between my toes, but I got used to them and wore them all the time. Ever since then flip flops have been a staple in my life. I still wear them, and so do many other people. 

When we had to wear shoes there are two kinds that I remember wearing, saddle oxfords and penny loafers. I don’t wear saddle oxfords today, but I do wear loafers with nice support. I found them to be comfortable no matter what I was doing. Really, though, I don’t remember wearing what we called tennis shoes until much later in my life. 

When I was in college I loved knee boots. I wore them with a mini skirt and thought I was so fine. I still like boots, but I don’t wear knee boots anymore, just the short boots. My legs don’t belong to a twenty year old now so I think the short ones look better. I think I wore them every Sunday through this past winter.

When I started teaching I wore a cute pair of sandals with heels on the first day. I soon learned my mistake. I can’t stand all day on concrete floors in thin soled sandals. Our school didn’t like the teachers to wear athletic shoes to school so I was over the moon when I discovered walking shoes. No one ever complained about them.

My footwear of choice as an adult is strappy sandals. I have a whole wardrobe of them. The heels aren’t exceptionally high so I can wear them with no problem. 

Alas, I can’t wear the nice heels that I love. I remember a few years ago buying two pair of black heels because I couldn’t decide which looked better on me. I tried one on not long ago. It was a wonder I didn’t fall and break my neck. I can barely walk in them now! Too bad. They sure looked good on me.

Now that I’m retired I wear my dress boots (short ones), shoes with a small heel, maybe an inch or inch and a half, walking shoes, hiking boots, flip flops, or sandals without high heels. And I like these shoes to have nice padding to make them more comfortable. 

I guess my style hasn’t changed, but I’ve had to adapt to older feet. That’s okay, though. I still find things I love, especially my new bronze sandals with flowers on them. They’re amazing and match so many things.

What type shoe do you like most?

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