Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Beyond the Book: Memories

What is your fondest childhood memory? 

When I saw this topic I thought, “Oh, good. That’ll be easy.” However, when I actually sat down to write I found that it wasn’t easy at all. My family didn’t have a lot of money, but we had many relatives that we were close to. I remember our house as being filled with people, laughter, and good food. My cousins were my first playmates, but I also had a circle of good friends, many of which I’ve kept for a lifetime. So, where to start?

Maybe some Christmas memories would be nice. My sister and I never forgot the Christmas that Santa brought us a puppy. I woke in the middle of the night because someone was scratching on the door. I looked out, and there was a darling little puppy. It was scared, though so it ran away. I roused the whole house, and we looked for the puppy until we found her. It was really hard to go back to sleep after seeing the puppy. Another Christmas Santa gave me a horse. That was a significant gift because for years I spent a lot of hours riding or taking care of her. 

I have some wonderful memories of summer too. My grandmother kept us while our parents worked, She was the best grandma ever! When I became a grandmother myself I tried to do the same things for my grandchildren as she did for us. She played games with us all afternoon, and sometimes she’d take us blackberry picking. Then she made us a delicious pie. She was a master storyteller too. I still remember all her stories. 

Also, we spent a lot of time with our cousins. We made playhouses in the woods, dammed up a little branch in the cow pasture, and explored my grandmother’s farm from one end to the other. There was an old grist mill not too far from Grandma’s house, and the little stream that once powered it was perfect for keeping cool on a hot day. The entire family went there for picnics.

Halloween was a special time for children back then. My cousins and I always went trick or treating together. We felt so mysterious and important in our costumes! 

It was especially wonderful when our parents took us to the movies. We didn’t go often, but when a new Disney came out we usually got to see it. I cried my eyes out when Old Yeller got rabies.

I’m sure that the minute I his post on this thing I’ll think of something else I should have talked about, but to tell the truth I had a really nice childhood. I’ve mentioned some of the things I remember, but I don’t know that one memory stands out above the others. 

Do you have a favorite memory from childhood? I’d love to hear it.

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