Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Beyond the Book: Review Ghose Boat


“All hands to battle stations.” The words still haunt Jack Hardy, even after thirty years. As a young Navy lieutenant, he watched as his submarine, the U.S.S. Candlefish mysteriously vanished in the Pacific amidst an attack by an unseen enemy.

Now, the Candlefish has emerged out of its own shadows, fully intact and in perfect working order, miles from Pearl Harbor. Only a return to the scene of the original incident can answer the question of what strange forces stole the lives of his crew. As Hardy leads a new team toward Latitude 30 North–a place known as the Devil’s Triangle–he realizes he must solve a riddle from the past or finally meet his fate.

As they near their destination, the ghostboat begins to reveal its secrets…and all may be headed toward a watery grave.

My Review:

Ghost Boat is an old book. It was first published in 1976. I didn’t know it, and I’ve never seen it, but I found out that the British made a movie or a TV series based on the book. I bought the book years ago, because whether I believe in it or not, the Bermuda Triangle is interesting to me. It’s fun to spectulate where all those missing boats and planes went. 

I don’t especially like the book blurb. Yes, it’s accurate, but it makes it sound as if Jack Hardy was on fire to return to the Candlefish, but he wasn’t. Ed Frank, who was given the task of explaining how a World War II submarine came back looking pristine after thirty years, is the man who pushed Hardy to get involved in the project. 

The book was exciting, ramping up the suspense in small, almost unnoticed bites that add up and create a whole new atmosphere in the sub. The characters are pretty well done, and I did like the plot. The ending could go only one of two ways, and I correctly guessed which way it would go. The book ends up being a combination of science fiction, time travel, and the supernatural, a combination that went well together. 

Does this book sound like your cup of tea?

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