Thursday, May 19, 2022

No Pistol Tastes the Same


No Pistol Tastes the Same

by Jacob Paul Patchen




GENRESuspense (Military/PTSD)







JP’s pistol tastes like bourbon.


Sergeant JP Grimm didn’t pull the trigger. Now his Marine brothers are dead. All victims of a child in a suicide vest…a child that resembled Sgt. Grimm’s very own. But how are you supposed to take a child’s life? How can you kill someone that looks just like your own son?


Those same hazel eyes he saw in his scope continue to haunt him long after he left the desert death lands as he tries to reconnect with his son, Adin. JP battles another war at home against PTSD and the worthless, dejected thoughts that he is the reason his friends are dead. His wife, Lisa, struggles to let her stubborn husband work it out on his own terms. She does all she can to give him space, support, and strength—but her love can only go so far.


As the world shows signs of impending doom from a weakening magnetic field and flaring sun, JP, too, shows signs of his own impending doom. After pushing everyone away, JP must face his nightmares to restore his relationship with his son, save his marriage, and save himself before the modern world burns out in a fiery, electromagnetic disaster.






Thunder grumbled from his left and rattled his thoughts. The earth beneath him shook and shuttered his spirit. Like a great quake through the crust, he wobbled and wondered if his world was splitting open. Or was it rockets launched from the back of a black Nissan truck?




His anxious eyes popped open, but the desert wasn’t there. His marine brothers were not with him. No bombs or explosions fell from the sky.


Jesus! Get it together, man!


A small branch cracked behind him and flipped across the ground. An eerily familiar sound, like a rifle round snapping by him.


A sniper?


His breath came faint and quick. His chest, tight and flexed. He ripped the pistol from his lips and scanned the hill behind him.


No. No, just a branch.


It tumbled and rolled until it met the edge of the hill and disappeared. The damp muzzle, splattered with blood and spit, fell back into his lap.


The clouds grew in the sky like dirty bubbles in bathwater, dulling the scenery. Flashes of light flickered toward him. He blinked at the sparks in the power lines on the next hill over.


What the hell?


Thunder roared up the valley. Lightning seared in the darkened sky. Bright bolts slashed the faded horizon. He shielded his eyes with the back of his hand and forearm. Both began to shake. His will began to falter. A streak of jagged lightning sparked down to the ground just past the next wooded hill, immense and brilliant, bigger and brighter than JP could ever remember. It was a storm like no other. The buzz and fizz in the air was electric. The lightning zapped across the sky and stabbed at the fluttering hilltops. The deep growl in the sky lingered like that of a snarling dog at the end of a thick, tight chain. Reds and greens flared in the black, bubbling mist flooding out the sunlight above him. Strange hums and horns echoed through the valley. It was clear to JP and all witnesses soaking in its wrath––this was no ordinary storm––this was the sky tearing open to the ashy depths of the Hellish void above them. This was the apocalypse. This was the end.





AUTHOR Bio and Links:



Jacob Paul Patchen is an award-winning author and poet of inciting fiction and provocative poetry.


Jacob earns his inspiration through experience and believes every book has a purpose. He writes powerful, emotional, and thrilling stories about mental health, war, social stigmas, and other taboo subjects in order to bring awareness, change, and hope to those who need it. 


Raised in Southeast Ohio, he’s a sucker for fast workouts, long laughter, and power naps. Snacks are his love language, and he thinks he’s a Pisces. Check him out and join his newsletter at






TikTok: @author.jacobpaulpatchen










Jacob Paul Patchen will be awarding a free signed copy of NO PISTOL TASTES THE SAME to a randomly drawn winner (Print US only/international winners will receive a digital copy of the book) via rafflecopter during the tour.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

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