Saturday, May 21, 2022

Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors

 Welcome to my blog. Today I'd like to share an excerpt from my all time favorite book Blue 52. On Sunday when you finish here you can go to for more excerpts from a talented group of authors. 


First Lady Kills President Lovinggood" 

December 5, 2018 

Thirty years later, Hank Lovinggood embarks on a quest to prove his mother's innocence and punish the killers who took his family from him. Together Hank and lovely physicist Dr. Kathryn Sinclair confront an implacable, twisted, and merciless enemy who'll do whatever it takes to hide the truth forever.

Last Week's Excerpt: 

Senator Lovinggood blew his nose again and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. “I know exactly how you feel. I’d give my right arm for the chance to help Richard one more time.”

Hank kissed his grandmother’s cheek. “Don’t worry, Grandma. It’ll be over and done with before you know it. Just think how proud Dad would be. His administration laid the groundwork for the Flash Train.”

“Yes, that’s true.”

The senator’s chest swelled with pride. “I’m proud of it too. The Flash Train can travel over three hundred fifty miles per hour.”

Hank rose to his feet. “I want to change clothes before dinner. I’ll see you guys in a minute.”

He dropped a kiss on his grandmother’s cheek and dashed upstairs.

“Just like Richard used to do,” Senator Lovinggood observed.

“Richard didn’t always change before dinner,” Elaine disagreed.

“No. Run up the stairs. Richard used to do that too.”

Elaine rolled her eyes. “I think I’ll change for dinner too.”

“You look fine to me.”

“No, I feel like changing.”

The senator shrugged. “I’m fine as I am.”

Elaine shot him a look he couldn’t define. “If you say 

Really! Now what did she mean by that?

Today's Excerpt:

Elaine slowly made her way up the stairs and went into her room, where she sat down in front of her dressing table. She loved Henry to distraction. So much so that at times she actually wished he had died with Richard. He’d have been happy then. As it was... At first she had assumed he’deventually get over his hurt and be okay, but he never did. He grieved as much today as he had right after the murder took place and would go to his own grave mourning his dead son.

Sometimes she cursed the Renexin in the American water supply. Who wanted to live to one hundred fifteen? The sooner death came, the better. She’d had enough losses and pain in her life. Enough was enough.


  1. Wow! That's a great excerpt. So many details cleverly delivered in reflexion. And that last bit - Boom. What a complex character so filled with emotion and depth,

  2. This snippet explains a lot about Elaine and what she's had to go through since her son's death. I wonder if she had time to grieve, or if she pushed it off to care for everyone else.

  3. Wonderful snippet! You did share the details cleverly tucked into that reflection! And that bit about the water supply? Excellent!

  4. Loved the bit about the water supply! Wasn't expecting that! It makes me wonder if she has had time to grieve at all?
