Saturday, June 18, 2022

Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors

 Welcome to my blog. Today I'd like to share an excerpt from my all time favorite book Blue 52. On Sunday when you finish here you can go to for more excerpts from a talented group of authors. 


First Lady Kills President Lovinggood" 

December 5, 2018 

Thirty years later, Hank Lovinggood embarks on a quest to prove his mother's innocence and punish the killers who took his family from him. Together Hank and lovely physicist Dr. Kathryn Sinclair confront an implacable, twisted, and merciless enemy who'll do whatever it takes to hide the truth forever.

Last Week's Excerpt: 

Slamming the door behind him, Hank returned to his own room where he belonged and hunted for a clean shirt. Not that I exactly need a clean shirt, but going to the cemetery made me feel dirty.

Now why would he feel dirty? His parents should rest easy in the peaceful, quiet cemetery.

I wonder if it’s too late to call Williams. Probably not. He picked up his holophone, and almost immediately a hologram of Williams filled the room.

“Hello, Mr. Lovinggood. Did your grandfather tell you I called?”

“Yes, he did. That’s what I’m calling about. I’ve decided to place my parents at Crystal Rivers Cemetery.”

Williams nodded. “I’m familiar with Crystal Rivers. It’s a good choice.”

“My grandfather said they’ll be disinterred on November twenty-third.”

Williams nodded again. “Yes, sir. We’ll do it at nine a.m. on November twenty-third. I assume you’ll want to have someone present."

“I intend to be present myself.”

“Oh, well, that’s fine. We’ll have a military guard to escort the president’s remains to his new resting place, but we weren’t sure if you’d want any further ceremony or not.”

Hank didn’t hesitate. The media would inevitably make a huge deal out of this thing anyway. If they had any kind of ceremony, it would be that much worse. I have no desire to hear the newscasters talk about Mother. “I may have a private service for family members, but that’s all.”

“The state is responsible for the cost of opening and closing the graves, so I’ll arrange it with Crystal Rivers.”

“Good,” Hank said. “Tell them to prepare for burial on the twenty-fourth. I’ll let them know what time.”

“The twenty-fourth?” He saw surprise on Williams’ face.

Today's Excerpt: 


  1. Wow--that is a powerful snippet. The part about his grandmother having parents that lived to old age... Really great choice! I think I need to reread this book. It's been years since I read it.

  2. An interesting idea. But it's been so long, I suspect they won't look pretty. Will he find something else in the coffin?

  3. Wow. What an emotional scene. I hope what he's doing will be worth the turmoil. Great snippet.

  4. So many intense feelings in this excerpt!
