Monday, July 11, 2022

Return To Wylder

Return to Wylder

by Maria Imbalzano




GENRE: Contemporary Romance







The untimely death of EJ Hampton’s father kills her dream of practicing law with him in her hometown of Wylder. Heartbroken, she now has two weeks to organize the practice for sale. When she meets her father’s millionaire client Dylan Addison, he is demanding and entitled—yet his charisma captivates her.


Dylan is under pressure to renovate the Wylder Hotel before his father pulls the plug on his project. He needs EJ’s expertise, but she is bent on returning to her life in San Francisco despite the fireworks between them.


EJ walks a tightrope trying to balance Dylan’s needs against her own, but doing so is far more complicated when emotions get in the way.







“What do you mean? I’m friendly.”


She bit her lip, drawing yet more attention to her mouth. “Small-town friendly is different. You’re civil. But you’re no-nonsense. Unapproachable. And very demanding. You dress like a rich business owner, which you are, but it sends the wrong message. Even though you think you’re dressing down, your jeans are probably dry cleaned and your boots are polished Italian leather. The men around here wear flannel shirts, worn out denims, cowboy boots. Have you noticed that you don’t fit in?” Her laugh tickled my heart.


“Why do you fit in? You have on a designer suit, silk blouse, high heels. A big-city outfit if I’ve ever seen one.” But of course, I loved that she stuck out like an emerald amongst sea glass.


“I have my lawyer uniform on. And I grew up here. People know me, despite my clothes. I could wear casual pants and a sweater to work while I’m here, but it doesn’t send the right message. I definitely do not have to wear a suit. That would only be required if I were going to court. Or meeting with an out-of-town city client. Which I have been.”


I felt my smile bloom. “So you’re dressing to impress me?”


“No. Most definitely not.” Her response held the hint of a bite despite her teasing demeanor. “Today is only my second day here. Yesterday I had no idea what or whom I was going to face.”


I pushed the envelope. “You did today.”


“You may recall that you showed up without an appointment. And tonight was a mere coincidence.” A shadow crossed her face, and her voice softened. “My father dressed in a suit every day, even though it wasn’t necessary. I was channeling his spirit.” Sadness clouded those beautiful mercurial eyes. “Plus, my wardrobe changed when I moved to San Francisco.”


Frankly, I didn’t care what she wore. Designer duds, jeans, lacy underwear. Nothing. I smiled to myself at the direction my mind was veering. Interesting.







AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Maria Imbalzano is an award-winning contemporary author who writes about strong, independent women and the men who fall in love with them. She recently retired from the practice of law, but legal issues have a way of showing up in many of her novels. When not writing, she loves to travel both abroad and in the states.  Maria lives in central New Jersey with her husband--not far from her two daughters and granddaughters. For more information about her books, please visit her website at where you can also sign up for her newsletter.


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Maria Imbalzano will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.






a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Elaine. Thanks for hosting me. To all you readers out there, what should I read next? I just finished The Lions of Fifth Avenue.

  2. Congratulations Maria! I know it's a different genre, but the writing is poetic and the setting calls to me --- I'm immersed in Wolf Island, the memoirs of L. David Mech, who conducted research on Isle Royale, a National Park in Lake Superior.

  3. I love the cover, blurb and excerpt, Return to Wylder is a must read for me. Thank you for sharing the author's bio and book details

  4. Hi Carol: Thank you for stopping by. I like to read all different genres, so I'll check out Wolf Island.

  5. I love the cover and think the book sounds interesting.

  6. Thanks for the great blurb! The book sounds like a wonderful read. Love the cover!

  7. Thanks Bea, Sherry, Pippirose, and Carol for stopping by. Writing this book in first person was different for me. I usually write in the third person. But I enjoyed the process. I hope you like the story.
