Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Beyond the Book: All About Me

A few years ago, another author interviewed me on her blog. It’s been years since I thought about that interview, but I saw it stuck in a folder on my computer and decided to see what I’d said. Since I can’t think of anything else I’d like to talk about today, I’ll just share that interview with you. l hope you enjoy it. 

1.When did your love for writing start?

I wrote my first story when I was five. It was a story about Woody Woodpecker who was one of my favorite cartoon characters. I know it was a wonderful work of art because I dictated it to my father who wrote it down for me, and he laughed the entire time he was writing.

2.What is something you struggle with when you write?

I’ve been a reader for a long time, and when I first started reading, writing styles were different. Authors had a tendency to tell what was going on, not show it, and even now I have to be careful not to do that.  Modern readers like to be shown, not told.

3.Do you have hobbies that you’d like to share?

One of my favorite hobbies is collecting vintage Christmas ornaments.  The older ornaments used exuberant colors, some beautiful shapes, and were just fun to look at. Some of our newer ornaments don’t seem to have as much personality if you can apply that word to an inanimate object. Shiny Brite ornaments are my favorites. I have a nice selection of them, and I even have some new reproduction ornaments. I have far more than I need, but every single time I see Shiny Brites I have to have them. 

4.Share with us a little about your family. Married? Kids? Pets?

I’m married with two sons, two grandsons, one granddaughter, and one great granddaughter. It’s hard to believe I have a great granddaughter, but she is so adorable. Her parents gave her a Scottish name because her dad’s ancestors came from Scotland. Her name is Aila, which is pronounced A la.

As far as pets go, we’ve just gone to the dogs. We have three beautiful rescue dogs, and one cat that came to our house as a stray. Since our sons are grown and living in their own homes, the animals have become our fur children.

5.What was one of the best Christmas presents you ever received?

The one that stands out most is the year I got a horse for Christmas. I had wanted one for such a long time. The Christmas I got her, it was icy outside, and I had an ear infection so I didn’t get to ride her that day. I more than made up for it later, though. We had a lot of adventures together. I saddled her up when I got home from school and rode until dark.

6.What was your nickname growing up or now?

That’s an interesting question because my mother didn’t like nicknames. I was Elaine, not Lanie or Sugar Plum or anything else. I gave my granddaughter a nickname, though. She was Pookie for years, and I call my husband Little Frog. I still don’t have a nickname.

I guess the interviewer didn’t ask a lot about my writing, but maybe you learned something new about me. I’m just curious, did you or do you have a nickname?

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