Saturday, August 6, 2022

Saturday Sample and Weekend Writing Warriors

 Welcome to my blog. Today I'd like to share an excerpt from my all time favorite book Blue 52. On Sunday when you finish here you can go to for more excerpts from a talented group of authors. 


First Lady Kills President Lovinggood" 

December 5, 2018 

Thirty years later, Hank Lovinggood embarks on a quest to prove his mother's innocence and punish the killers who took his family from him. Together Hank and lovely physicist Dr. Kathryn Sinclair confront an implacable, twisted, and merciless enemy who'll do whatever it takes to hide the truth forever.

Last Week's Excerpt: 

Hank sat downstairs in the living room waiting for the senator. “Hey, Grandpa. What are you doing in here?” 

The senator hobbled over to a closet and removed his jacket. “Didn’t you want any breakfast?”

“Nope.” Hank grimaced. “The very thought of it turns my stomach.”

“Yeah, me too.”

Hank jumped up. Thank God this interminable waiting was over. “Then I guess we’re ready.”

They were on their way out the door when Hank paused. “Where are the keys to Dad’s car?”

“Your dad’s Jaguar?”

“Yeah.” Hank half smiled. “I thought we might drive it today.”

Senator Lovinggood nodded. “I think that might be very appropriate. The keys are in the bottom right drawer of my desk.”

“I’ll get them.” The Jaguar was the last vehicle his father had owned. For the past thirty years, the car had been parked in the garage. His grandfather had made sure it was well-maintained, so it still ran beautifully, but nobody had really driven it anywhere since his father had last driven it.

Today's Excerpt: Hank and the Senator arrive at the Sinclair Mortuary to view the remains of Hank's mother and father. I've skipped some since the last excerpt.


  1. That would be a difficult thing, reliving so much of that heartache.

    Very visual scene. :-)

  2. How sad to have to do this. Can't imagine disinterring my parents. Tweeted.

  3. It is a very sad moment for them to be dealing with, but I can also feel the tension starting to build up. Great snippet!

  4. Is there heightened security because they anticipate trouble?
