Monday, September 26, 2022

Raise the Bar

 Raise the Bar

by Jay Ibrahim




GENRE:   Self-Help






Raise the Bar is about leaving the world of normalcy and mediocrity and raising yourself above your standard. It is about living a life of excellence and mastery in all aspects of your life, including health, wealth, relationships and spirituality. Most of us are good, but when we are told how to live great, we say, "I'm good enough." This mindset is damaging and limiting, hence we succumb to our thoughts, not our potential. This book will take you on a thirty-day journey to take your life to extraordinary levels and become whole. Raise the bar in everything that you do and become a legacy-maker.






As we start this new journey and embark on something bigger, we must do

one thing.


We must determine where you want to be? Where do you want to be in 30 days?


What type of person do you NEED to become?


Thirty days might not sound like a long time but let me tell you, it only takes one day to change the rest of your life, so do not be fooled by the duration of the days. What really matters is what today looks like. Shape your day, and the world will mould itself to fit within your mind.


We will touch on thousands of books in psychology, social psychology, forensics, behavioural psychology, relationships, mindset, spirituality, health, divine living, growth, leadership, and trauma. The list goes on during this journey that we are taking. I have over a decade of experience working in this field, impacting, empowering, leading, and influencing people around me.


The goal is that you will see the best version of yourself with every step in the journey. Every day that you take toward your goal is a day closer to a lifestyle of freedom, living, and a positive mindset. Over the years, my work has been to capture misplaced innocence, which allowed many to break away from their shackles and eliminate the impression that we have limits.


But I am here to tell you and show you that in our 30-day journey together, you are only limited by the mindset you have allowed others to create for you.


Therefore, you will soon realise that no matter where you are placed on Earth, your process of living can begin when you decide that today is the day.


Whenever you are held back or think of stopping because you are not good enough or whatever other reason people place on you, tell yourself one thing:


Not Today. Just NOT today.


So, let us begin your 30-day challenge of transformation by defining what you need to be.


Think long and hard about who you want to become within the next 30 days. Not just anyone. Really think hard and ask yourself: If I cannot be this person, then is my life worth living? I know it sounds morbid, but we need to dive deep into what truly motivates you so you can commit for 30 days and know that if you hesitate and miss a day, you must start all over again. However, when you think deep down why you are committing yourself to these 30 days, it needs to be something so divine that it pushes and motivates you because your life depends on it.


I promise you this process works, and everything that we will be doing over the upcoming weeks will lead toward a lifestyle you never saw possible.




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Jay Ibrahim is an entrepreneur who revolutionized the relationship world. His background in psychology, behavioural psych, Applied Behavior Analysis, psychotherapy and rehab counselling over the last eleven years puts him ahead of the race when it comes to relationships, conflict and resorting to your love life once again. His decades of experience and profound knowledge of modern ages and classic strategies of resorting to relationships and communication give all his clients the comfort to know they are in good hands, and that there is no problem he can't handle. Jay has an online platform called Metanoia Academy. Ultimate Freedom Journey is one of his successful programs, helping thousands of people raise the bar in health, wealth, relationships, and spirituality and live a life of freedom mentality. He is a world-renowned love doctor mentoring clients on how to be the ultimate man.







Instagram: @metanoia_academy







Amazon Australia








Barnes and Noble


Book Depository




Apple Books






Jay Ibrahim will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.




a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Raise the Bar sounds like an inspirational and motivational read, thank you for sharing your bio and book details

  2. This sounds like an awesome book.

  3. The book sounds like a wonderful, inspirational read. Great cover!

  4. Great excerpt, Raise the Bar sounds like a book that would be very helpful!

    Thanks for sharing it with me and have a marvelous weekend!
