Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Beyond the Book: Reading in a Series

 “Do you enjoy reading SERIES fiction? Is there a “magic” number of titles in that series that you find most agreeable? Moreover, do you WRITE series fiction? How many titles do YOU plan in your series?”

Okay, starting from the top. Yes I like reading series very much. Once I fall in love with the characters I usually read every book in the series. I started reading series when I was very young. Some of these were: Trixie Belden, the Little House books, the Black Stallion series, and the Little Women books. I’m sure there were more, but these stand out to me.

As an adult, I’ve recently read in several series. The first one is the Tempe Crabtree series by Marilyn Meredith. Tempe is a deputy at the local police station. She’s not a detective so she isn’t supposed to be the lead investigator when something happens, but she’s always the one who figures things out. I’ve read the entire series so far. According to Mrs. Meredith’s last newsletter she’s working on a new Tempe book. When it becomes available I’ll read it too. 

Another recent series I’ve recently read is the Time series by Deborah Truscott. It’s a time travel series with fabulous characters, great plots, and loads of history. I just love it. I’m so hoping she’ll write another Time book, but the last book in the series Arc of Time seemed as if she was wrapping it up. I hope not.

A third series is The Brendan Chronicles by Ginny Dye. There was 19 books in the series at present. I quit reading the series even though the reviews are great. I have some problems with it, though. I won’t say anything else because I intend to share a review here later.

How many books should be in a series? I honestly don’t know. As long as the author is consistently delivering fresh material that people enjoy it probably doesn’t matter. One thing is sure, though. If an author draws it out and stretches two books out of what should be one, I won’t read it. I can’t stand books that drag along.

As far as myself is concerned, I started a series about the Lovinggood family. I got two books out and the third is written and edited, but I haven’t sent it out yet. The first book was Return Engagement, and the second is Blue 52. If I do get it published it will be the last in the series. That would be the natural stopping place for the series.

What about you? Do you read series? What’s your favorite, and which ones did you dislike? 

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