Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Icarus Over Collins


Icarus Over Collins

by Hector Duarte, Jr.




GENRE: Contemporary Fiction (Bilingual Spanish/English)






After her friend Sandy Mangual tragically falls to his death, Bailey Cohen discovers images of his grisly corpse have been uploaded and shared through social media, by someone very close to her.


Fed up, in a stagnant relationship with an emotionally-abusive boyfriend, Bailey enlists the help of quiet, unnoticed, underappreciated Bernardo Castillo, who works the luxury Miami Beach high rise in which she stays.


Bernardo will have to dredge up the shady past he’s long worked to tamp down in order to set off on a journey of vengeance that will reshape and morph each person engulfed along its way.


Icarus Over Collins is a short, punchy revenge story as cracked and slivered as hot Miami pavement.


Tras la trágica caída accidental de su amigo, Bailey Cohen descubre que imágenes del cadáver han sido clandestinamente descargadas a redes sociales. Por alguien muy cercana.


Bailey contara con la ayuda de Bernardo Castillo, empleado del condominio lujoso en Miami Beach cuya Bailey habita.


En nombre de su amigo fallecido, Bernardo y Bailey tendrán que excavar sus pasados umbríos en camino hacia la venganza. Un viaje que reformara a todos envueltos.


Icarus Over Collins es un cuento de venganza tan caluroso y rajado como las aceras bordeando todo Miami.








Bailey Cohen


There he is. Sandy Mangual doing his acrobatics high above Collins Avenue. Eleven stories up. Again. How many goddam times are me and his mom going to have to talk to him? He’s gotten good at swinging like a pendulum; one, two, then at the peak of the third swing, swoosh. Releasing his grip and landing on the balcony like someone out of Cirque du Soleil.  


Behind me, Gabe says, “That kid’s going to slip one day and bye bye, birdie.” 


I was so entranced by Sandy, I hadn’t even heard him. “I’ll call Ximena later.”


“Couldn’t wait till dinner?” he says, tapping my glass. 


“Just warming up before the girls get here.”


“They’re coming over again? It’s only Tuesday, and the three of you are partying like it’s a forever weekend. Some of us work tomorrow.”


“Wear the noise cancellers I bought you.”


“That’s not the point.”


Sandy is still out on the balcony, patting down his jeans and checking himself before going inside. I yell across Collins at the top of my lungs. “I’m telling your mom.”


“He can’t hear you, Bailey.”


Of course he can’t. With the distance and constant honking traffic beneath us. 


I mirror Sandy as he steps back inside, closes the hurricaneimpact sliding-glass door behind him. 


“He’s got balls dangling like that,” I whisper.






AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Hector Duarte, Jr. is a writer/educator out of Miami, Fl, where he lives with his wife, son, and cat.  His fiction has been published widely online and in print, like the recent anthologies Pa Que Tu Lo Sepas: Stories to Benefit the People of Puerto Rico, and Shotgun Honey Presents Volume 4: Recoil. In September of 2018, Shotgun Honey Books published his full-length short story collection Desperate Times Call. He welcomes you to follow him on Twitter.











Hector Duarte, Jr. will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.




a Rafflecopter giveaway

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