Friday, May 19, 2023

Far From Crazy- Success In Sanity: My Unashamed Truth



Write Now Literary is pleased to be organizing a two-week book tour and Amazon gift card giveaway for Far From Crazy - Success In Sanity: My Unashamed Truth by Jessica Johnson Glover. 
The book tour will run May 8-19th 2023. 

 ISBN: 978-1737531081 Book Title: Far From Crazy - Success In Sanity: My Unashamed Truth 

 Genre: Mental Health



Jessica Johnson Glover is an author, speaker, mental health advocate, and Realtor. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in psychology from Clark Atlanta University. After almost twenty years of living successfully with a mental illness, Jessica realized she possessed the skills and knowledge to help people who silently suffer from mental illnesses. Purposely, Jessica established and founded The Success In Sanity Society (SISS), an accountability tribe for those who are unashamed and ready to successfully maintain their sanity. In this community, Jessica conducts monthly virtual meetings that help individuals successfully manage mental illness and live the lives of their dreams. With the assistance of the SISS network professionals, Jessica, and her team offer expertise, resources, and skills that are needed to not only be successful BUT maintain mental wellness. Jessica is married to her soulmate, Gerald L. Glover, a mortgage professional. They reside in sunny Jacksonville, Florida. Her moments of purposeful self-care include: spending time with her family and friends, listening to gospel music, getting pampered, and binge-watching some of her favorite television shows with her husband.




The first time Jessica Johnson Glover snapped, she walked outside naked with her Gucci bag and African cane. Her sanity left temporarily. However, after spending time in mental health hospitals, Jessica came to terms with her mental illness, and accepted the help and support she needed to win and rise to the top.

However, taking control of her mental health wasn't without determination, a proper diagnosis/treatment, and unyielding faith in God. Today, Jessica is insanely successful - personally and professionally, and she is a champion for those living with mental illness.

Jessica believes that by taking the correct medication-as prescribed- and practicing a balanced lifestyle, those battling mental illness can experience true freedom and live a life that's far from crazy.










Enter the $25.00 Contest




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