Thursday, September 14, 2023

Reflections On The Boulevard

                              REFLECTIONS ON THE BOULEVARD

by Louis J. Ambrosio




GENRE:  Coming of age






Michael's story continues from "A Reservoir Man" (2022) where we find him teaching at a university ready to retire. He unexpectedly meets a young man named Ron who becomes his protégé and journeys with him in a haphazard adventure throughout America and Europe. In Michael's final journey in life, each twist and turn of the road brings unexpected adventures. The journey taken is one of joy, friendship, and discovery.






They continued and arrived in Flagstaff, late at night. The motel looked just like the Bates Motel. Michael hurriedly got Ron into the room, which faced the Grand Canyon. Michael had reservations so they were able to get into the room quickly. Michael went outside, standing on the porch, feeling a significant pressure on his chest. 


“The air is not meshing well with the smoke in my lungs,” Michael said to himself. When he got back to the room, Ron was already sleeping with Rhonda on his leg. 


The next morning, Michael got up early and woke Ron telling him to wash his face. He then took Ron to the door of their room, opened it, and walked outside. Ron just gaped at the sight of the Grand Canyon. The colors and the sun bouncing off these jagged cliffs looked like cut out mountains from a magazine. 


He turned to Michael, he said, “It looks like a painted drop! Not real. How was this created? What  

events led to this? I understand all the bullshit you learn in Earth Science, but this is so much more.” 


Michael noticed a little tear in Ron’s eye, shed for the beauty, for the nature that Michael had always talked to him about. 


“Those guys in New England, those Transcendentalists, they knew the answer, this is God. This is it! I know we will leave but I will never forget this, and the emotions it moves in me.” 


“Alright I have a surprise. We are off to the North Rim of the Canyon. We are taking an entire day tour of the North Rim on the Katibah trail, exploring the inner canyons. We will travel on mules.” 

A Word With the Author

 1.Did you always want to be an author?

No. But I learnt to read at 16. I just read and read fell in love with so many old masters' novels and characters, but I am so surprised I did a trilogy and great reviews, but I am happy

2.Tell us about the publication of your first book

My first book was self-published. My best friend took me through a lot of the territory, but he was as blind as U. We did it and then did it in the second book.  I hired a great promotion company who edited and promoted my second book----Goddess Fish.

3.Besides yourself, who is your favorite author in the genre you write in?

Good question- my writing style is stream of consciousness –James Joyce, JD Salinger, Jack Kerouac, Virginia Woolf. Authors who do not write in the same style, but that I love  are Thomas Mannn and Herman Hesse. 

4.What's the best part of being an author? The worst?

The best part is I got my story told and lessons taught–there is no worse

5.What are you working on now?

The third book of the trilogy EXILES. It's more than halfway finished and I'm looking for an March to April reveal and a release.




AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Louis J. Ambrosio ran one of the most nurturing bi-coastal talent agencies in Los Angeles and New York. He started his career as a theatrical producer, running two major regional theaters for eight seasons. Ambrosio taught at seven universities. Ambrosio also distinguished himself as an award-winning film producer and novelist over the course of his impressive career.










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The author will award a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner and an autographed copy of the book to a second randomly drawn winner.



a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for hosting this interview with the author. It's appreciated.

  2. it was a pleasure visiitng you and your wonderful site thank you for the posting. very prouf of the sucess of my book.

  3. What impact do want this book to have on your readers?
