Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Review Time and Tide



Will Gillian rewrite history or surrender to destiny?

In 2023, newlywed heiress, 27-year-old Gillian Woodruff, and her husband, Richard Woodruff, are honeymooning on their private yacht. Richard is hiding secrets and is not all he seems. When the boat encounters a strange, violent storm, it is struck by a towering wave, and Gillian is hurled into the sea, washing up on a rocky, deserted Massachusetts beach, close to death.

She’s found by the brooding and handsome lighthouse keeper, Ethan Burke, and learns she’s living in 1900. While struggling to recover and adjust to the shocking truth, Gillian falls for the mysterious, handsome loner. Love, mystery, and deadly secrets collide against the backdrop of the sea, 1900 New York City, and Gillian’s family’s corruption during the Gilded Age.

Gillian must decide if she will change her family’s dark past, a change that could prevent her own future, or let the man she loves be killed, forcing her to return to the future without him.

My Review:

Things I Liked:

This was a time travel novel, and I love time travel stories. Sometimes you get hold of a time travel that doesn’t live up to expectations. This one does. In some time travel novels I was sorry about the way the book turned out, but that didn’t happen with this book. Besides that, the conflict was important. In some novels you get an issue that could easily be resolved by one brief conversation, but not this one. Profound, life changing issues are at stake. 

Refer to the last last lines of the blurb? Would you have the courage to make that choice? Either way, her life will never be the same.

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