Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Did You Celebrate Leap Year?


Four More Years

I thought it would be nice to do something special on the 29th. Unfortunately, nothing went as planned. So, what happened?

About four weeks age my son agreed to babysit our dog while we went out with my husband’s brothers and sister.We had a really nice time talking and eating enchiladas made from a an authentic Mexican recipe. It’s sort of a family tradition to get together to make them sometime during the year.

By the time we got to my son’s house there was no moon and no artificial light anywhere. Because of my vertigo I opened the door and promptly fell onto a concrete culvert. I didn’t think I hurt myself so my husband pulled me up, got the dog, and home we went.As I took off my coat, I felt something wet on my foot. I pulled my jeans up found streams of blood running down my leg. Great way to end the night, right? After a week and a half I went to the doctor for an xray. My foot looked like a pumped up egg plant it was so swollen and purple. It was not broken so I just had to wait for it to get well. I still have some swelling, though.

It hurt bad when I walked on it so my original plan, which had been to tour the Biltmore house in Ashville and have a nice dinner, just didn’t sound as much fun as it did before. Back to the drawing board.

I came up with a super idea. The historic little city of Pendleton isn’t far from me, and they have a place that is recommended in all the local magazines. The building used to be an old country store, and it looks like it, but the food is to die for. We’d go there for lunch and then go to Clemson university dairy/ice cream for ice cream. It’s really good too. 

Well, my husband’s arthritis flared up on Sunday, and he was in the doctor’s office yesterday for shots in his back. It hurts me to see him try to walk. Needless to say we won’t be going to Pendleton tomorrow. So, what are we going to do? I think I’ll clean the bathrooms and make pepper steak for him. A nice nap sounds good too. If you have plans to celebrate I hope you keep them. After all, it’ll four more years until we celebrate leap year.

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