Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Wanna Play?

 What were your favorite games to play as a child? As an adult? 

The first game I remember playing was Candy Land. My mother had a nice birthday party for me, and one of the guests gave me Candy Land. What fun! My sister and I played all the time, but we liked it most when my grandmother played with us. As I've said before, she'd cheat, but it was so obvious and she laughed so hard the game was twice as much fun. 

Old Maid was an early favorite too. Nobody wanted to be the old maid so we had lots of laughs playing it. We liked Bingo too. As we got older we spent hours playing our favorites. We loved Sorry, Grandma cheated big time in this one, Parcheesi, Snap, Black Jack, and Authors. I don't know if Authors is still around now, but in a literature class at school I knew some test answers because of that game.

As an adult most of the games I played were with my husband and our friends. Uno was always fun as was Rummy. One that we still enjoy is Phase 10. It's also fun to play online Mahjong. 

I've played Bridge before, but I didn't especially like it. I don't like Monopoly either nor Scrabble. You'd think I'd enjoy Scrabble, but when you put me in front of those letters I can't think of the simplest words.

Truthfully, we don't play very many games now. One of the friends we always played with died, and we never replaced her, which mostly brought game playing to a halt. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law like to play cards so maybe we'll invite them over soon for a games night. I think we might have fun. 

What about all of you? What are your favorite games?What were your favorite games to play as a child? As an adult? 

The first game I remember playing was Candy Land. My mother had a nice birthday party for me, and one of the guests gave me Candy Land. What fun! My sister and I played all the time, but we liked it most when my grandmother played with us. As I've said before, she'd cheat, but it was so obvious and she laughed so hard the game was twice as much fun. 

Old Maid was an early favorite too. Nobody wanted to be the old maid so we had lots of laughs playing it. We liked Bingo too. As we got older we spent hours playing our favorites. We loved Sorry, Grandma cheated big time in this one, Parcheesi, Snap, Black Jack, and Authors. I don't know if Authors is still around now, but in a literature class at school I knew some test answers because of that game.

As an adult most of the games I played were with my husband and our friends. Uno was always fun as was Rummy. One that we still enjoy is Phase 10. It's also fun to play online Mahjong. 

I've played Bridge before, but I didn't especially like it. I don't like Monopoly either nor Scrabble. You'd think I'd enjoy Scrabble, but when you put me in front of those letters I can't think of the simplest words.

Truthfully, we don't play very many games now. One of the friends we always played with died, and we never replaced her, which mostly brought game playing to a halt. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law like to play cards so maybe we'll invite them over soon for a games night. I think we might have fun. 

What about all of you? What are your favorite games?

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