Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Is Bodett Right?

“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, something to hope for.” Tom Bodett

I read this Tom Bodett quote, and after thinking about it, I decided that he was right. 

His first thing a person needs for happiness is someone to love. I hope, though, that he didn’t mean just romantic love between a man and woman. There are many ways to love other than the romantic. For example, I love my grandchildren, my dogs and certain friends. If he was talking just about romantic love I think he’d be too narrowly focused.

The second thing is to have something to do. I remember when I was still teaching that as the first day of school rolled around I was happy to go back because I was bored. Now that I’m retired I stay busy with my friends, writing and my husband. We just got back home from our vacation where I found inspiration for several things I’d like to do.

The last part of Bodett’s quote is that you need something to hope for. Hope carries us in its wake and assures us that something dear to us could still happen. I’ve been hoping for two years now that my grandson would decide to go to school after he graduated from high school. After being given third shift jobs or weekend only hours he came to me this week and said he’d like to give school a try. I got what I hoped for, and it made me so happy.

So examine your own life. Do you think Bodett nailed it? If you don't know who he is, goggle him.He's an interesting person.

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