Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sweet Saturday Sample

This sample comes from The Best Selling Toy Of The Season.  Sometimes a man has to take drastic measures to break through the heroine's defenses.  The book is available at Melange Books.

The girls strolled across the parking lot to Mandy’s car, but before Mandy could unlock the door, a Lexus wheeled into the parking lot and screeched to a stop beside them. The door swung open and Tommy Price jumped out.

“Hi, Mandy. I’m kidnapping Nikki so don’t worry about her. I’ll return her when she agrees to marry me.”
Mandy’s mouth fell open and she couldn’t say a word, but for the first time in weeks, Nikki found her tongue. “You are certainly not kidnapping me! What makes you think I’d let you do a thing like that?
I told you we don’t have a future together, and I want you to accept it.  Don’t be coming around causing trouble for me. I want to get over you, but how can I if you show up and bother me? Anyway, I’m a mother. I’ve got Michael and Teddy to think about. Just who do you think would take care of them if you kidnapped me?”
“Dan would. Are you through?”
“Yes, but I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“That’s why they call it kidnapping,” Tommy explained. “It’s because whether you want to or not, you’re coming with me.”
Nikki spluttered and protested, but Tommy paid no attention at all. He put one arm around her shoulders and the other behind her knees and scooped her into his arms. Nikki struggled mightily to free herself, but she might as well have tried to move a tree.
“You may as well be still, Nikki. I work out, you know.”
He stuffed Nikki into the front seat of the Lexus and crawled in behind her. “Bye, Mandy,” he yelled, and before Nikki could try to unlock the door, the Lexus had left the parking lot.
In case you were worried about it, Nikki's cousin is in on this, and Nikki is thrilled to see Tommy.  Her protest is all for show.


  1. Sounds like he's a guy who goes after what he wants!

  2. Guess he knows what's in her heart and going after what he wants.

  3. I wondered if this was in fun or not! LOL. Since it is, can I just say I LOVE me a caveman? LOL. Of course, any guy who'd try that on me other than my husband would lose a limb (or perhaps an appendage) but oh, I love this "me want woman" approach from my man! Great excerpt!

  4. Delightful scene (especially since Nikki is happy about being kidnapped.)

  5. Now that's a guy who knows who he wants! Great sample!

  6. Oh, my! Good thing you told us Nikki was thrilled, because I was about to call 911!

  7. I think it's every girl's dream to be literally swept off her feet by a hero! Thanks for the reassurance at the end.

  8. Thanks to everyone who stopped by today. I appreciate your feedback more than I can say.

  9. LOL She should've just got in the car and asked Mandy to watch the kids. She's gonna say yes and they both know it!
