Saturday, August 11, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday

Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday.  Today's excerpt is from my current WIP tentatively titled Fortuna.  This picks up where I left off last Sunday.  My heroine is alone in an old house that she and her fiance are redoing when she hears footsteps outside her room.

A disembodied head illuminated by a golden orb right below its chin floated in the doorway. Aimee found her voice and screamed loud enough to raise the any number of ghosts no matter where they rested. Ignoring the sharp, hot pain boring into her knee, she scrambled to her feet and ran for the window. It wasn’t that far to the ground.
She screamed again and started swinging when a hand grabbed her shoulder.
“Stop that!” a male voice commanded.

So, did you recognize what was after Aimee?  If not, put a flashlight under your chin, turn off the light, and see if the kids don't start screaming.

I've taken Never Trust a Pretty Wolf on a virtual book tour.  My schedule is in yesterday's post.  Follow along for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate from Amazon.


  1. I love it, Elaine. You had me! lol... My dad used to tell the story of scaring his younger sister nearly to death by doing that with a flashlight. In the pitch black, outside, by the springhouse. Would have been the 1930s--he was born in "20". Ha! Great that used it in your book. :-) Nice six :-)

  2. Thank you! My dad would do that to us. We knew who it was, but we enjoyed screaming and running away.

  3. LOL such an easy way to scare someone - but quite effective.

  4. It is effective, Cindy. Poor Aimee.

  5. Thank goodness for your explanation! I thought this story was about to get seriously creepy. Good one, Elaine!

  6. This WAS seriously creepy, as it was meant to be. Well crafted, Elaine, and a very cool premise.
