Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome Charlotte Stout

Welcome to Charlotte Stout's blog tour. Charlotte is the author of Seattle Delight. She's giving away a $25 Amazon gift certificate to one lucky commenter, so follow her tour and comment often. You can find her schedule at 

Here's a blurb and excerpt from Seattle Delight

Charly’s life was simple and uncomplicated, just like she wanted it.  Or so she thought!  One chance encounter with a devilishly handsome stranger in her local coffee shop would turn her world, and her heart, upside down.  She would be thrown into a realm of privilege and romance, and more than just a little danger.  

How will she handle the dark gorgeous man who has inserted himself into her domain?  When danger threatens those she loves, will she have the strength of heart and spirit to do whatever it takes to save them?  Share Charly’s adventures as she navigates through the quickly changing landscape that has become her life.

  Chapter One

“Hey, watch it,” Charly said as someone bumped her table and precious drops of the caffeine laced fuel danced across the table.  She couldn’t afford to lose a microgram of caffeine. Not today – well not any day!  Considering she’d written two lines and a finished first draft of her book was due in two months, she knew she was in a world of hurt.
Charly turned to see who had been so rude.  Okay, as a romance writer it was Charly’s job to write about hunks but what she saw before her left her breathless.  Looking at her with Caribbean Sea blue eyes, copper skin, and dark hair falling in waves to the top of his shoulders was a God.
“Pardon, I am so sorry,” he said in a deep, richly accented voice bowing his head in her direction. 
His eyes – those incredible blue eyes were intently focused on Charly making her feel self-conscious.  Charly regretted that she hadn’t taken more care with her appearance this morning.  Her damp hair was a mass of unruly curls, her face devoid of makeup with the exception of a dab of lip-gloss.  Charly rested her chin in her right hand appreciating the view before her until she laid a finger on her upper lip.  Panic rose within her; she felt it and if he noticed it she would be mortified.  Damn, why hadn’t she waxed her mustache last night?   Why did women get mustaches in the first place? It’s not like we don’t have enough to worry about. 


  1. This is my favorite excerpt so far. Love the mustache dilemma.


  2. Cool, isn't it?

  3. Elaine;
    Thank you for hosting this stop on my tour.

  4. Glad to add my comment on how well you do and Charlotte your book sounds so good and in the one part of the world I hope some day to see. I also like to add I run a small community library for my rural area and have a table for author's promo items. I would be happy to place some of yours on the table if you care to send me some. Postcards, pens, bookmarks and whatever I can share with my visitors. Questions? My address is: Sue Leech, 1273 Strahan rd., New Columbia, PA 17856

  5. Yes, the femmestache is a cruel trick of life...very nice excerpt!


  6. Certainly an interesting start! I love that the hero/heroine meet in the first chapter-- we don't have to wait for the fun stuff! ;-)


  7. hot start to the story. Sounds like fun.

    I love your dog.

  8. Have enjoyed that excerpt. How many times have we been caught at less than our best just when we want to look great.
    thanks for an enjoyable tour.
