Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Welcome Suzanne Lilly

Please help me welcome Suzanne Lilly to my blog.  Suzanne is the author of Shades of the Future.  Suzanne, I'm so glad you included us on your blog tour.  I feel like I already know you.  We're both teachers and writers, and we both have a passion for animals.  Could you tell the readers a little bit about you?

I’m a teacher and a writer and my life pretty much revolves around those things. I also love to travel, and have taken time off to zipline in Alaska, teach in China, and traipse around Rome. I write lighthearted stories with a splash of suspense, a flash of the unexplained, a dash of romance, and always a happy ending.

I love connecting with readers on Twitter, my blogs, and recently, Facebook. I’ve included the links to my sites at the end of this interview.

2. Has being a writer changed you in any way?

I’ve always loved to write. I’ve been writing things for so long, that it’s a part of who I am. Having a novel published just means I’ve written something a bit longer. I’m still me. I still express myself with the written word.

3. Which genre appeals least to you? Why?

Somehow I’ve never been able to get interested in high fantasy. If I have trouble pronouncing the characters’ names, such as Selwgrnt or E’lcizrrn, my eyes start to roll back in my head. I’ve read fantasies where the names weren’t so complicated, and I’ve enjoyed those stories. Perhaps there’s some deep, underlying psychological meaning to that, but for now, I’ll stick with contemporary and historical novels.

4. What does your family think about having an author in the family?

I’ve been writing for some time, so although this is my first novel, they’ve gotten used to me having articles and short stories published. My daughter buys extra copies of everything, and my husband always brings home a bottle of champagne when I sign a contract.

5. What nice things for them to do!  What is your favorite book? That you wrote, I mean?

My favorite book I wrote is the one coming out in February 2013 called Untellable. It is about Aspen Dwyer, a young woman hiding from her past. She finds love and friendship in Honey Creek, but when her father is released from prison, and threatens her life, she has to decide if she should run again, or stay and fight for the people she loves. This story sounds tragic, but it’s liberally dosed with a sense of humor and joy in life, thanks to the characters. Of course it has a happy ending. I like it because it’s more layered with subplots and a deep relationship between Aspen and the man she falls in love with, Colton Moraine.

You can find me online at these sites:

Suzanne Lilly Website:

TeacherWriter Blog:

Suzanne Lilly Facebook page:

Twitter: @suzannelilly

You may purchase Shades of the Future at the following online retailers:

One last note:

I’d like to let your readers know I’m on tour through the month of August, and I’ll be giving one commenter a free pair of designer sunglasses from I just can’t guarantee if they’ll show you the future. You can get the schedule of blog tour stops at Also, 10% of the royalties from the sales of Shades of the Future will be donated to a pet rescue organization. Together, we can help find forever homes for pets.

Thank you so much for interviewing me on your blog today!
You're welcome.  Readers, let's have a blurb and excerpt now.

What would you do if you could see your future? Would you accept it or would you change it?

Mariah Davis loves animals, running, and her hunk of a boyfriend, Kevin Creamer. Everything looks bright for her until the day she finds a pair of sunglasses that allow her to see the future.

When she glimpses a disaster looming, she tries to avoid it but fails. She has a car accident that lands her in a wheelchair, smashing her hopes for a running scholarship to the veterinary program at Ohio State University. She pushes Kevin away, thinking he’ll want to end their relationship now that she can’t walk.

Will she ever learn to trust and love again? She could search for an answer in the sunglasses. But she’s afraid what they reveal might destroy her.

“You see things?” Eulalie put the remains of her cookie on her saucer and leaned her elbows on the table. She laced her fingers together and rested her chin on her folded hands. “What kinds of things?”

“I don’t want you to think I’m crazy, but I see things that haven’t happened yet,” Mariah blurted out. She went on to tell her about the trig test that day, Hayley’s color-changing outfit, and the hamburger.

“Well, now, that doesn’t seem too bad.” Eulalie stirred her tea even though she hadn’t put any sugar in it. She took a sip.

“So you don’t think it’s strange?” Mariah asked.

Eulalie put her cup down. She shook her head. “I didn’t say that. Have you seen anything else? Anything that might involve other people? Something that might be a burden to you?”

Mariah shook her head no.

“That’s a good thing.” The words meant one thing, but the way Eulalie cleared her throat and looked away made Mariah think that it wasn’t what she truly thought. “If I were you, I’d be careful with them.”

“What do you mean?”

“When you start messing around with fortune telling and seeing the future, sooner or later you might see things you don’t want to know about.”


  1. Thank you very much for having me on your blog today, Elaine!

  2. Thank you very much for having me on your blog today, Elaine!

  3. The book sounds intriguing.

