Saturday, October 27, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday: Yikes, She Goofed

Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday. In this excerpt my heroine Kara makes a huge mistake.

Is it possible she’s finally found Her Kind of Man?

Ross Williams has been in love with Kara Cochrane since they were kids so when Kara's fiancĂ© Brandon Miles cheats on her and calls off their wedding—Ross steps in to rescue the damsel in distress.

A heartbroken Kara just wants to get on with her life and hunky Ross provides her with a definite distraction—that is until she starts falling for him. Big time.

But a devastating family secret threatens to destroy everything that Kara holds dear—including her relationship with Ross.

Good golly the man felt good! He teased her lips with his, and Kara abandoned herself to his kiss. When he lifted his head she murmured, “Kiss me, Brandon.”

Ross stiffened. He dropped his arms and moved away from her.

“Don’t confuse me with Brandon Miles, Kara.”
Her Kind of Man is available at as an ebook or trade paperback.


  1. Gah! That kind of mistake isn't easy to repair!

  2. If she'd been with Brandon for years it may have been just that she's so used to saying his name, she says it without thinking. Not that that makes it any easier on Ross.

  3. Oops is right and there's no taking it back. Good six, Elaine

  4. Oh, what a slip! She must feel as bad as he does. Wonderful six.
