Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Healing Notes

Welcome to Maggie Jaimeson's book tour.  Maggie is the author of Healing Notes.  Please follow her tour and comment often.  Maggie is giving away an autographed cover flat at each stop, and will award one $25 GC from either Amazon or Barnes and Noble to one lucky commenter.  Don't forget to leave your email address.  You'll have to leave it to win. You can find her schedule at http://goddessfishpromotions.blogspot.com/2012/09/super-book-blast-healing-notes-by.html



Forgiving yourself is the first step, but helping others forgive may be just too hard.


Rachel Cullen grew up in Scotland with a fiddle in her hand from the age of four. She couldn't imagine life as anything but a musician. When her husband brought her to America she was immediately embraced by the Celtic and Bluegrass communities. But after her divorce, Rachel's life is a mess.


A year of trying to prove to herself that she's woman enough for any man, and then a vicious rape while on tour with the band, leaves Rachel reeling. When she meets Noel Kershaw, an English teacher who is poetry in motion, she is definitely attracted. But he has a young child and he's suffering from his own divorce. The last thing Rachel needs in life is more baggage.


First, Rachel must reconcile who she is, what she wants, and how to get there. Maybe then she'll know how to be a part of the family she's always wanted.
Claire crawled onto a stool on the other side of the island and smiled.  Neither of them talked for several minutes as they listened to the water in the pot heat.
“When I grow up, I’m going to play with Sweetwater Canyon all the time.”
“Are you sure you want to hang out with all us old folks?”
“You’re not all old. Well maybe a little old. But Kat isn’t old.”
Rachel smiled. “That’s true. She’s only seventeen.” And going on twenty-five it seemed sometimes.
“Oh, seventeen? That is old.” Claire put a finger to her lips and furrowed her brow. “How old do I have to be to play in the band all the time?”
“Probably at least eighteen.”
“But, you just said Kat—”
“Kat is different, because her mother plays in the band and can watch her all the time.”
“Well, you can watch me all the time. You can be my mother.”
Rachel gulped.
“Well, can’t you?”
“Can’t she what?” Noel walked in the room and lifted Claire off the chair in a big hug, swinging her around the room. “Can’t she what? She can do anything she wants.”
“See,” Claire leaned forward and looked at Rachel over Noel’s shoulder. “See, even Daddy thinks you can be my mother.”
“Whoa.” Noel set Claire back on the stool. “I’m not sure what I walked in on here.” He sent an accusing glance to Rachel. “You already have a mother, Claire.”
“I know. Not my real mother. My second mother. You know, like my friend, Megan. Her mommy and daddy got divorced and her daddy married a new mommy. So, Megan has two mommies now.  See?  Rachel can be my second mommy. Okay?”
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Maggie Jaimeson writes romantic women’s fiction and romantic suspense with a near future twist. She describes herself as a wife, a step-mother, a sister, a daughter, a teacher and an IT administrator. By day she is “geek girl” – helping colleges to keep up with 21st century technology and provide distance learning options for students in rural areas. By night Maggie turns her thoughts to worlds she can control – worlds where bad guys get their comeuppance, women triumph over tragedy, and love can conquer all.
HEALING NOTES is the second book in the Sweetwater Canyon Series of four books.  The final two books will be available in 2013.
Website: http://maggiejaimeson.com
Blog: http://maggiemeandering.blogspot.com
Twitter: @maggiejaimeson


  1. Elaine, Thanks for hosting this stop on the Book Blast. I've been popping in to each site this morning and I'm loving learning more about readers and what they want both in their books and in their lives.

    So, I have a question for your readers to get them started posting and get their names in the contest to win something. My heroine, Rachel, hales from Dunoon, Scotland. I picked this place because it is where my husband and I were married and it will always be special to me. Is there a place you have on your list to visit? Or a place you wish to return to that holds great fondness?

  2. I am looking forward to going back to Australia to see my relatives.

  3. Ingeborg. Which part of Australia? I've been there on business, but primarily in Perth. There is so much to see and do and it is so different depending on which part of the country you are in.

  4. The Grand Prize winner of the $25 gift card is Tore923. Congratulations Tore!

    Because I've had such a great time meeting everyone on this tour, I have decided to award autographed cover flats (one per person) to anyone who has commented during the Book Blast tour. If you wish to have one, please send an email to maggie at maggiejaimeson dot com with the name you would like with the autograph, and your mailing address. They must be sent through the post. If you do not want your name endorsed, in addition to the autograph, then please say so.

    I promise, I will not sell your address to anyone or pepper your mailbox with flyers.
