Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dangerous Affairs

Welcome to Diana Miller's blog tour.  Diana is the author of Dangerous Affairs.  Please follow her tour and comment  often for a chance to win a $25 Amazon GC. Find her schedule here


When soap opera star Abby Langford leaves Los Angeles for her Minnesota hometown, she’s hoping to give her nine-year-old daughter the peaceful childhood she never knew. But instead of tranquility, Abby finds an old knife hidden between the walls of her new house. Then the nightmares start: a blood-soaked victim and a killer’s arm slicing through the air, again and again.


Abby wonders if she’s having the nervous breakdown the tabloids claim she already had, especially when sexy, skeptical police chief Josh Kincaid questions her story. When menacing hate mail arrives, Josh’s professional concern for Abby soon evolves into an intense attraction, and the feeling is mutual. And now Josh wonders if her psychic visions are of crimes past—or a premonition of terrors to come.


To survive, Abby and Josh must uncover the truth and stop a killer . . . before Abby’s worst nightmares come true.


Abby rolled back the carpet, exposing the stain. “What do you think? Is this blood or just paint?”


Josh squatted beside the stain and studied it for several seconds, scratching it with his fingernail. Then he rolled the carpet back over the stain and stood. “Have you ripped up the carpet in the rest of the bedrooms?”


“I started here. This carpet’s the ugliest,” Abby said. “I also spend a lot of time writing in here.” None of that was a lie.


He nodded slowly. “So yesterday you pulled out a door, vacuumed behind it, and found a knife flecked with what could be blood. Then this morning you decide to rip up the carpet in one bedroom and coincidentally find more blood?”


It did sound a little fantastic, but Abby certainly wasn’t telling him about the dream. “You think I dumped it there myself?”


“Makes it seem more like you’ve got a mystery in your own house, doesn’t it? It looks like paint to me, but I guess it could be real blood. I’m sure it’s easy to buy the stuff in LA.”


She threw up her hands. “Do you honestly think I brought blood out here with me? Just stuck it in a carton with my dishes and had the movers load it up?”


“Or you could have ordered it on the Internet.”


“Or stolen it from the Red Cross. Look, I didn’t pretend to find the knife for publicity, and I didn’t plant this stain for publicity. I told you, I don’t want any more publicity.”


When Josh didn’t respond, Abby massaged her temples and concentrated on taking calming breaths. If she’d been able to hold her tongue the entire six weeks Vanessa Mason had guest starred on Private Affairs, she could do it now. “I was simply trying to do my civic duty by reporting it.”


“Next time don’t bother.”

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


When she was eight, Diana Miller decided she wanted to be Nancy Drew. But no matter how many garbage cans she dug through, conversations she “accidentally” overheard, and attics she searched, she never found a single cryptic letter, hidden staircase, or anything else even remotely mysterious. She worked as a lawyer, a soda jerk, a stay-at-home mom, a hospital admitting clerk, and a conference host before deciding that the best way to inject suspense into her otherwise satisfying life was by writing about it.


Diana is a five-time nominee for the Romance Writers of America Golden Heart Award and winner of a Golden Heart for Dangerous Affairs—a romantic suspense novel that shows not everyone in her home state is Minnesota Nice. She lives in the Twin Cities with her family.


My website link is I have buy buttons for both Amazon and Kindle on my website, but have no idea what you have to do to insert them since my web designer did it.


The URL for my Amazon page  is:


  1. I’m thrilled that you’re featuring my debut novel DANGEROUS AFFAIRS today on your blog. Thanks so much.

    I’ll check back later to answer any questions.

    Again, thanks for hosting me. I really appreciate it!

  2. Love the excerpt, thank you.

  3. Is it turning cold in Minnesota yet? BURRRGGHH...I like it cool, but Southern cool, now MN cool!
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  4. This book is a definite stocking stuffer for my from Santa.
