Saturday, February 9, 2013

"Firsts" Blog Hop: First Place, First Kiss

  First Place.  That’s the only acceptable alternative. 

When Liesel Wolf is invited to compete in a charity game, she vows to win the million dollar prize for interstitial cystitis research.  Even though she’s a woman with secrets that should stay hidden, she agrees to geocache with handsome marshal Andy Bryce, a man with secrets of his own.

What’s geocaching? Geocaching is a game.  People hide caches around the world and post the coordinates online.  Liesel and Andy rush to be first to find the cache, but as the game progresses they find much more, including romance and cold-blooded killers.

Excerpt Never Trust a Pretty Wolf. 
In this excerpt, Andy and Liesel share a first kiss while running from men who tried to murder them.


They moved through the woods as silently as possible, flinching when a careless foot snapped a branch. After one such incident, Liesel’s nerves got the better of her. She propped her foot on a rock and jerked a small handgun from a holster that she wore under her pant leg.

Andy’s hand shot out. “Give me that gun,” he commanded.


He took it from her with ease. “I don’t know why you have this,” he whispered, “but if we get out of here alive you have some explaining to do. Now, keep moving but stay in control. Remember, no headlong plunges into the woods.”

Fortyfive minutes later, they exited the woods near the bridge that crossed the little creek. Liesel fearfully scanned the inviting, familycentered area. I dont see anyone.

“Two o’clock. Men in khaki.” Andy came to a halt and jerked her against him. “Kiss me like you mean it.”

Liesel didn’t mind if she did. Hopefully the khaki men would never imagine that two lovers out for a stroll had only moments before been running for their very lives. She prayed the men didn’t get too good a look at them. Throwing her arms around him, she pressed her body against his.

She wouldn’t have admitted to it for anything, but in spite of the danger, she felt a thrill from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. Nobody could kiss like Andy Bryce!

Andy took her hand, and they strolled casually across the bridge as if they’d been on a leisurely little walk. He kissed her again before they got into the Mustang. The minute they got in, he put the car in gear and slowly made his way out of the park.

“Now, Liesel,” he said. “Why don’t you tell me why those men are trying to kill you?”

To win an electronic copy of Never Trust a Pretty Wolf, become a follower of this blog.  Then leave a comment telling me you followed.  If you already follow leave a comment telling me that you already follow.  Don't forget to leave your email address.


Never Trust a Pretty Wolf is available at, at Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and at most other major retail outlets.

Picture :


  1. The first kiss should always be a big moment in a girl's life.

  2. I followed via GFC Celina K. I am intrigued by the excerpt!

    dreammie_angel at yahoo dot com

  3. Great excerpt .I follow via
    wanda f

  4. Hi Elaine! Glad to see another AP author here. I love the excerpt!

  5. Very nice excerpt.


  6. Sounds great! Thanks for sharing! And thanks for the awesome hop and giveaway!

  7. Thanks to everyone who posted a comment. I drew Celina K's name and decided to draw one more. Kitty B. yours got drawn. I'll send you both a book.
