Sunday, February 10, 2013

Weekend Writing Warriors: Purple Heart

War is hell they say, and it must be true because people come back from wars with emotional scars that are sometimes worse than physical wounds.  Mike Hightower, my hero in Purple Heart, is just such a man.  In this excerpt Mike explains to his brother why he doesn't like the woman he rented an apartment from.  But not to worry.  I only write happy endings!

Mike just snorted. “She’s one of the people who killed Ramirez.”


“You know; Middle Eastern.”

David looked shocked. “Mike, she’s probably a nice woman. I know that Ramirez was your friend, but you can’t blame an entire race of people for what happened over there. If you don’t let go of this anger it’s going to eat you up.”
Scroll on down to see my "Firsts Blog Hop" post.
Purple Heart is available at and most other retail outlets.  The Wild Rose Press dropped the price to $2.99 so it's a great deal.


  1. David is speaking a lot of sense. I hope that Mike listens to him! Intriguing 8 sentences :)

  2. Yes. Whatever happened is going to mess him up in so many ways. Not just the obvious connections like this, but feelings and disconnects triggered by a word, a sight, a smell...

  3. I like how you set up the bigger conflict that must be coming. You make these characters 3D & get us invested in what happens :)

  4. so true - triggers will be everywhere

  5. War, prejudice comes together in Mike. Lots of conflict ahead in a timely topic. Good eight.

  6. I hope he can move past this issue, even though I know you're going to throw a lot more at him no doubt! Terrific snippet to set us up for whatever comes later!

  7. Thank you all so much for visiting and commenting. Mike has a hard road in front of him, but he'll get there.

  8. Ohhh, tension. I hope he listens to his friend as well.

  9. That's quite an obstacle for them to overcome. Awesome conflict setup, Elaine!

  10. So true, the anger will eat him up. Hope Mike will listen to such helpful advice. Great scene overall.

  11. Good setup. But I hate captchas. Half the time only a robot could read them. I'll give them one try, then no comment.

  12. Love it!! What is your inspiration for this book?

  13. Guys, thanks so much for stopping by. Sara, my inspiration for the story was some comments I heard my students making. My book was an attempt to show that both good and bad people come from every culture.

  14. Sue Ann, I hate them too, but I enabled it after I got spammed. In fact, I usually have comment moderation turned on. In one day I got over 1000 comments from someone offering to sell drugs at a discout price.

  15. So true! Though I doubt Mike will listen . . .

  16. Love the emotion in the comment "anger will eat you up." Great 8! :D

  17. Love this excerpt, Elaine. Very powerful. I can sympathize with Mike, but at the same time his friend is completely right. Curious to see how this will turn out. :)

  18. Very nice Elaine. The dialogue is so real-life. and I like that you're writing about the emotional scars of war.

  19. Loved this and his advice was right on. And there will be triggers on every corner. Great job, loved it.

  20. "you can’t blame an entire race of people for what happened over there." Well said! Hopefully David can convince his brother of this. Interesting character studies.

  21. Elaine, I love that you've tackled this issue. People will blame a whole group for the actions of a few. Great snippet. :)

  22. I'm glad this is going to have a happy ending--that means your hero is going to grow a lot. Kudos! Great 8!

  23. Excellent advice from David, but my guess is that Mike will have a hard time accepting it.

  24. How true, many people live their lives that way!
