Friday, March 7, 2014

Knockout by Emma Calin

If you came for Fashionista Friday, scroll on down, but why not enjoy this post first?


by Emma Calin





A Mafia conspiracy. A female undercover cop. Her target: international sportsman and playboy Freddie La Salle.

Can she fake it? Can she nail the gangsters before her cover is blown? What happens when his charm kicks in, passion takes control and she falls for this charismatic suspect?

KNOCKOUT! The No 1 Kindle Bestseller from Emma Calin

Interpol cop, Anna Leyton, spirals down into a hopeless vortex of sexual and emotional turmoil as she fights to keep her professional cool. But who is deceiving who in this fast moving ride across continents? What motivates the art loving prize-bull of a lover Freddie La Salle?

An action-filled pulse-pounding adventure novel. A tense and erotic romantic affair. Can a relationship survive when it is founded on deceit? Can she prove her man is innocent? Can she escape with her life and her love?

The power of love and trust stands against greed and crime as conflicting forces grapple for that KNOCKOUT punch.

Authors note: This book is quite 'strongly flavoured' and features uninhibited, but straightforward steamy sexual scenes between consenting adults and true-to-life street language that would occur in high-stress situations.


from Chapter 1 – A gorgeous stranger in a cab..

The cab pushed and swished on towards Buckingham Palace. She saw him studying the famous landmark, as if he were checking out the architecture. In profile his face looked even more male - handsome yet warm - the scar above his right eye constantly attracting her gaze. He was a brute of some kind but he could lie even with his eyes. Once again she found herself responding to him and wanting to touch that scar. In this new world of a few out of reality moments with a gorgeous stranger she could let go, becoming aware of the pulse of life in her breasts and a sense of warmth and longing deep in her stomach. She bit her lip as she consciously allowed these feelings to sweep over her. She took in his striped linen jacket, dark trousers and hand stitched leather shoes. His crisp white shirt accentuated the tanned olive tone of his skin. His shoulders were broad with hard muscular upper arms while his beautifully cut clothes proclaimed the body of an athlete or sportsman.

“So, you know what I do. Do you work in London?” she asked wondering if he would tell her the truth - since she had not!

“Oh not at all - I am here to sign some papers that’s all.”

“Papers?” she questioned too quickly, aware she could be exposing her cover.

“Just a contract - you know, boring business stuff.”

He looked at her with a caress in his brown eyes. The cab was at Hyde Park Corner, just a short way from the Hilton. Her heart hammered. Soon he would step out into the night and never see her again. It had to be that way. You could dream but your story was your story. Better just accept and live it out any way you could.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Novelist, philosopher, blogger, poet, would be master chef. A woman pedaling between Peckham & Pigalle, in search of passion & enduring romance.

Emma Calin writes romance novels and gritty short stories about love and survival in the 21st century. She has published a number digital and paperback books which are available from Amazon worldwide.

She blogs about her dual life in St-Savinien sur Charente in South West France and Romsey, a market town in England. She feels extremely lucky to be able to experience the world and life through these two, very different, lenses. She spends any time she can, when not writng, on her tandem exploring the countryside.

Emma also records and produces audio books and plays the trombone (although not at the same time).

Novels, Short Stories and Novelettes by Emma Calin

Shannon's Law ((Passion Patrol Series - hot cops, hot crime, hot romance)

Steamy police action romance- another in the Passion Patrol Series - available 28th February 2014

Knockout! (Passion Patrol Series)

A Mafia conspiracy. A female undercover cop. Her target: international sportsman and playboy Freddie La Salle. Can she fake it? Can she nail the gangsters before her cover is blown? What happens when his charm kicks in, passion takes control and she falls for this charismatic suspect?An action-filled pulse-pounding adventure novel. A tense and erotic romantic affair. Can a relationship survive when it is founded on deceit? Can she prove her man is innocent? Can she escape with her life and her love? Available in print and e-book formats.

The Love in a Hopeless Place Collection

An anthology of stories from the engine room of the human condition. Five stand-alone titles published over the last two years, from No. 1 bestselling short story writer, Emma Calin, combined in this great value 'boxed-set'. Available in print and e-book formats.


Two powerless beings are swept together in a transient struggle for survival. Could the human spirit transcend the brutality and indifference of their brief experience before they are once again swept helplessly apart? E-book only.

Escape to Love

A woman on the run from domestic violence with no one but her vulnerable autistic teenage child as a companion, lives in isolation and fear. While her hand to mouth scenarios are played out in the shadow of a threatening suspense, a story of crime and love unfolds around her. E-book only.

 The Chosen

A woman, a man, a van and a plan. What do painting and decorating, Thai brides, self-help manuals and pay-day loans have in common? J.A. knows the answer. Follow his his quest for love and happiness in The Chosen. E-book only.


A mystery tale of a late night taxi ride where the final passenger may not be all that she seems. E-book only.

Love in a Hopeless Place

A mature woman stumbles into a discovery of herself that she had never suspected. E-book only.

Find Emma Calin online:

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Emma will be awarding an autographed copy of Shannon's Law to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour. To enter, use the following link:

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