Friday, March 7, 2014

Saturday Sample: Check Out That Price

Her Kind of Man is on sale for only .99 at  Yep, less than a dollar for a book with a really, really nice cover.  Here are some snippets from Amazon reviews of the book and then an excerpt.

The story shows us how unconditional love from those around us can heal the deepest hurts and help us overcome our own insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. The author did a great job of pulling me into the story, emotions and all.

I highly recommend this book!!! A great book to curl up with on a rainy day. 


A highly enjoyable read that has lingered in mind my for weeks now.

Well done. Good writing. Good editing. Judged as a romance, 5 stars. 

I look forward to the next offering from Elaine Cantrell.
 EXCERPT: In this excerpt my hero's family tries to talk him out of dating my heroine. His brother Bobby speaks first.
"Are you out of your mind?"
Ross winced at his brother's reaction. He pushed his plate away and drained his coffee cup. "Great breakfast, Mom."

"You know she only agreed to go out with you to spite Brandon and Kelly," Bobby persisted. "Are you looking to get your heart broken? I've never really liked her. She ignored you all through high school, and now she's using you to make Brandon jealous. Why are you playing along?"

"Mind your own business, Bobby. I'm a grown man and can take care of myself. I know what I'm doing."

Bobby shook his head. "No, you don't. You're going to lose your head over a woman who doesn't give a crap about you. And never has."
"Let it alone, okay? I want to go out with her."

Bobby slammed his cup onto the kitchen table and sloshed coffee everywhere. "You're as stubborn as a mule so I might as well shut up, but don't let her hurt you, Ross. You deserve better."


s it possible she’s finally found her kind of man?
  Ross Williams has been in love with Kara Cochrane since they were kids, so when Kara’s fiancĂ© Brandon Miles cheats on her and calls off their wedding—Ross steps in to rescue the damsel in distress.

A heartbroken Kara just wants to get on with her life and hunky Ross provides her with a definite distraction—that is until she starts falling for him. Big time.

But a devastating family secret threatens to destroy everything that Kara holds dear—including her relationship with Ross.

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