Monday, July 7, 2014

Beyond the Book: Chocolate Delight

Greetings! I am the Princess Morgane, daughter of King Maccus and wife of Prince Alan who is heir to his father King Bowdyn.  Madame Cantrell told my story in her brilliant book The Enchanted. When I found out that Madame is fond of chocolate, I begged the castle cook for her latest chocolate recipe. It is highly delicious but also highly secret. The only way to get the recipe was to tell the cook that it was for Madame Cantrell. The entire kingdom holds her in the highest regard. Perhaps you will try this chocolate masterpiece. If so, please let Madame Cantrell know if you enjoyed it.

Chocolate Delight

¾ cup butter melted
1 ½ cup all purpose flour
1 cup chopped pecans
8 oz cream cheese softened
1 cup powdered sugar
13 ½ oz. whipped topping
1 pkg. vanilla instant pudding
1 pkg. chocolate instant pudding
3 cups milk

Combine butter, flour and pecans.  Press into baking dish.  Bake at 375 for 15 minutes.  Cool completely.  Combine cream cheese, powdered sugar and 1 ½ cup whipped topping.  Blend thoroughly.   Spread over crust.  Chill.  Combine pudding mixes and milk; beat 2 minutes with mixer at medium speed.  Spread over cream cheese layer.  Spread remaining whipped topping over pudding layer.  Garnish with pecans and grated chocolate.  Refrigerate.

I don’t do mine this way.  I layer it in a trifle bowl.  I start with a layer of the crust, then cheese mixture, then chocolate, then crust etc.  


  1. Our family has been making this one for close to 30 years now, but we call it 4 layer icebox dessert! It is also good done with lemon pie filling too. I made this at Easter and my grandkids fussed that I had not been making to sooner. EVERYONE LOVES IT!

  2. People always love it. I'm going to try it with lemon.
