Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Renee's Back!

If you came for Beyond the Book scroll on down. Princess Morgane is sharing a recipe today, but why not enjoy this post first?

Three Books, One Author.

Publication Date: June 6, 2014
Genre: New Adult Romances

Amazon: Crushed  |  Dance With Me  |  Latitudes
B&N: Crushed  |  Dance With Me  |  Latitudes
iTunes: Crushed  |  Dance With Me  |  Latitudes  

Formerly a freelance journalist, Novelle has found placement of her pieces in both online and print publications since 2008. Additionally, she has written multiple screenplays, and contributed her writing to many non-profit and for profit organizations. She has launched several blogs over the years, which garnered international attention.

In 2013, Novelle returned to her first love – fiction. Writing under the names Renee Novelle and R.S. Novelle, she has a publication schedule that includes Psychological Thrillers, Suspense, Paranormal Fiction, Contemporary Women’s fiction, Chick Lit, and New Adult.

Though she received her Bachelor’s of Science in Communication, summa cum laude, she considers herself a constant student of the written word. She’s an avid reader, an enthusiastic quote poster, and rarely takes “no” as a final answer. She has an unhealthy obsession for theater, dance, music and art, and strongly believes that wine is simultaneously the beginning of, and resolution to, all of life’s problems. She believes in following dreams, and that in the end, you always end up where you’re meant to be.

Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads  |  Pinterest | Instagram

Blast Info Titles: Crushed, Latitudes, Dance With Me Author: Renee Novelle Publication Date: June 6, 2014 Genre: New Adult Romance Synopsis Latitudes: Skylar had spent her entire summer after college graduation in Key West for an internship at the Aquarium. And the experience had changed her in more ways than she’d realized. Gone was the sorority princess with materialistic ideals, and she was embracing the more authentic version of herself that was emerging in its place. Now, she wasn’t sure if she really wanted to return to the life she used to live, and to the fiancĂ© who had already proven himself unfaithful to her. Just a few days before she’s supposed to leave, Skylar meets Cooper – and the shy, rugged, gentle man is everything she never knew she needed. There’s no denying the connection between them, but is he enough of a reason for her stay? Can she be strong enough to give up the life she no longer wants to take a chance on the possibility of something better? Skylar discovers if she can give herself the latitude she needs to change her life, or if she’ll fall back into the rut of a predictable existence. ***** Dance with Me: By the time she’d graduated high school, Addison had found who she thought was the perfect boyfriend, and was excited about the prospects of a promising dance career for them both in New York City. The world was at her fingertips. But when Preston disappeared without explanation the night before they were supposed to move together, her illusion of the perfect life was shattered to pieces. Putting the past behind her, she pursued her path alone and built the career she’d always dreamt of. But no one had been able to fill the gap that Preston had left behind. No one, that is, except Preston himself. Addison finds herself wrestling with conflicting emotions when Preston joins the company she dances for now. And when she discovers that he’s been cast as her partner, she’s afraid that the resentment she’s held against him might be too much. Will she be able to forgive him in time to save her career? And can they reconcile enough for a second chance together? ***** Crushed: Brooklyn has decided to stick around campus to pursue her Master’s Degree while her boyfriend chases a job opportunity in Chicago. After discovering that long distance relations rarely work out, her best friend helps her to decide that she needs to put down the daily pints of therapeutic ice cream and join their local gym. Though resistant to the idea at first, Brooklyn relents and finds that things quickly heat up with her new personal trainer Collin. Is it just a flirtatious crush, or is there something real there? And will the blind date her best friend has also committed her to have any weight in the decision on whether or not Brooklyn will pursue her chances with Collin? Amazon: Crushed | Dance With Me | Latitudes B&N: Crushed | Dance With Me | Latitudes iTunes: Crushed | Dance With Me | Latitudes Author Bio Formerly a freelance journalist, Novelle has found placement of her pieces in both online and print publications since 2008. Additionally, she has written multiple screenplays, and contributed her writing to many non-profit and for profit organizations. She has launched several blogs over the years, which garnered international attention. In 2013, Novelle returned to her first love – fiction. Writing under the names Renee Novelle and R.S. Novelle, she has a publication schedule that includes Psychological Thrillers, Suspense, Paranormal Fiction, Contemporary Women’s fiction, Chick Lit, and New Adult. Though she received her Bachelor’s of Science in Communication, summa cum laude, she considers herself a constant student of the written word. She’s an avid reader, an enthusiastic quote poster, and rarely takes “no” as a final answer. She has an unhealthy obsession for theater, dance, music and art, and strongly believes that wine is simultaneously the beginning of, and resolution to, all of life’s problems. She believes in following dreams, and that in the end, you always end up where you’re meant to be. Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest | Instagram Giveaway: There is a giveaway for this blast. $25 Amazon/B&N Giftcard or a Book Depository shopping spree. Open Internationally. Ends 7/18. The code for the Rafflecopter is provided below. You are required to post the giveaway if you submitted a link for the Rafflecopter. a Rafflecopter giveaway

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