Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Summer Fire

by Gennita Low, Stacey Mosteller,  R.J. Lewis,  L. Wilder,  Victoria Danann,  Kym Grosso,  Cat Miller,  Mimi Barbour,  Clarissa Wild,  Teresa Gabelman,  Linda Barlow,  Helen Scott Taylor,  Victoria James,  Mona Risk,  Patrice Wilton,  Joan Reeves,  Danielle Jamie,  Terri Marie,  Lorhainne Eckhart ,  Brandy L. Rivers,  Nicole Blanchard


NOTE: The book is on sale for $0.99!


21 ALL NEW Contemporary Romance stories by NY Times, USA Today, and National Bestselling authors.

Love when it’s hot? So do we. Especially when we’re writing about gritty alphas, angsty bad boys, sizzling attraction, and unrequited passion. Turn the fan to oscillate and join us for this steamy, groundbreaking bundle of summer tales that are hot hot hot.


From "Summer Rhythm" by Brandy L. Rivers

Intending to head for the bar, Chloe got lost in a daydream when she stepped through the door. A familiar song caught her attention. Glancing up, her gaze locked on her biggest regret.

Molten brown eyes, shaggy brown hair, perfectly curved lips twisted in a sinful smirk. That sexy mouth, and talented fingers—and damn, the man could play an instrument. Nearly any.

Smoldering eyes locked on hers for a brief second, igniting hope. Then his brow furrowed as he looked away. Closing his lids, Doug Walsh threw himself into the music like he wanted to banish her from his mind. She couldn’t blame him.

Her desire was a cruel twist of fate. He was even hotter than the last time she saw him, eight years ago. A twinge of guilt thrummed through her and she turned, with the intention of walking out the door.

Someone looped their arm through hers and dragged her toward the bar.

“Thought I mentioned your favorite mistake was playing tonight,” Jackie sing-songed. They’d been best friends since kindergarten. As much as Chloe loved her, Jackie was going to torture her.

She didn’t want to think about the way she’d let Doug in, only to shut him out the next morning. Not once, but twice.

Hopeless, she looked over. “If you had, I wouldn’t have come.”

With a dejected sigh, she climbed onto a stool and dropped her chin into her hand. Nodding at the bartender, she ordered, “Long Island, please?”

Bartender dipped his head in acknowledgement.

Jackie nudged her. “Why not? Clearly you’re still hung up on him. I saw your reaction.”

“He probably hates me.”

“Nah. He never let it slow him down.”

Her mouth fell open. “Are you saying Doug turned into a man-whore?”

Jackie’s brow scrunched. “Not exactly. Though he doesn’t have a problem picking up women.”

“That’s karma for you.” Chloe turned to find her drink. Tracing the disposable coaster, she took a sip from the tall glass before asking, “Why did you invite me here?”

“Figured it would be like old times. Only without having to sneak into bars.”

Chloe giggled. “What the hell. He’s already seen me and the worst he can do is ignore my sorry ass.”

A smirk lifted one corner of Jackie’s mouth as she looked to the stage. “Doubt he’ll ignore you long. He can’t seem to keep his eyes off you.”

BUY Links:

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1Dv2jy3 

Apple: http://bit.ly/1CVOgih  

B&N: http://bit.ly/18d9QY0

KOBO: http://bit.ly/19QsJAD  

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1wsmBsL

The authors are giving away a $25 Amazon/B&N gift certificate. Use the rafflecopter link below to enter. You can find the tour schedule at http://goddessfishpromotions.blogspot.com/2015/05/book-blast-summer-fire-love-when-its.html

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